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Internet Merchant Account and PSP

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    Internet Merchant Account and PSP

    Is it correct to says - all PSP will require you to have an Internet Merchant Account?

    I am with WorldPay (expensive costs) and thinking about jumping ship to either Actinic Payment or PayPal Pro. But couldn't find out any info on Merchant Account.

    Do I need to keep the existing Merchant Account or I can create a brand new one??

    Streamline is part of the WorldPay equation. Has anyone try to stay with Streamline (as existing Merchant Account) but jump over to other PSP such as Actinic Payment or PayPal Pro.

    I am using Sage as well, should I consider Protx?

    Any comment are welcome.
    United Herbs

    NoChex and Paypal are two PSPs that don't require a merchant account and you can certainly use Streamline with other PSPs that Worldpay although I have never used Worldpay and thus never tried to move away from them.
    Darren Guppy
    Golf Tee Warehouse
    Golf Tees and Golf Accessories.


      There are 3 PSPs you can use without having your own merchant acct


      All others inc Paypal Pro, Sage/protx, Actinic Payments require a merchant

      You can run worldpay with and without a merchant acct, % vary.


        "Without Internet Merchant Account you can not accept Cards payment" This is what I been advice by WorldPay.

        The Merchant Account with WorldPay is kind of a package, so can it be break up into two parts (keeping the existing Merchant Account) but using PayPal Pro instead??

        Does anyone have experience on this???
        United Herbs


          The Merchant Account with WorldPay is kind of a package, so can it be break up into two parts (keeping the existing Merchant Account) but using PayPal Pro instead??
          you will need to confirm this with worldpay - then post back and tell us.

          I know you can do the reverse ie have your own merchant acct (eg Streamline) and use worldpay for transactions.

          You may find that to use Worldpay as merchant only you will need to reapply for a different type of acct, thus you might as well investigate Streamline - which if you are a member of FSB is free to set up


            RBS WorldPay - just who are they?

            Following useful advice in this forum, I am currently in the process of switching from:
            WorldPay (WorldDirect, where WorldPay is acting as both merchant account and PSP)

            FSB membership + Streamline (as merchant account) + WorldPay (BankDirect, as PSP)

            This has overall will work out a better deal overall, taking into account potential FSB benefits and loss of £160 WorldDirect annual fee. I have had over 7 years trading with WorldPay to negotiate rates. I also bank with RBS.

            My confusion has arisen over their rebranding. Upon applying for my Streamline merchant account, my welcome pack stated "Thank you for contacting RBS WorldPay...", letterhead Streamline / RBS WorldPay. WorldPay (as PSP) are also rebranding as RBS WorldPay very soon on their payment pages - I suppose this shouldn't be as controversial as ProtX / SagePay...

            I felt I was haggling with the Streamline & WorldPay people over rates and add-ons (eg currencies) to transfer, when it appears they are both RBS WorldPay. The phone staff didn't seem to have much of an idea about the rebranding.

            Anyway I plan to add other PSPs to my "Streamline" merchant account, I got the impression this was possible with multiple Merchant IDs.
            Kenny Fraser


              Just to update the community. Got confirmation from PSP.

              If you are WorldPay (Merchant & PSP) pre-2007, then it is a "all-in-one-package".

              Even now you have Streamline as your Merchant Account, you would still have to cancel existing contract and rejoin to gain the FSB's benefits.

              In my case, I have to sign up FSB, create Streamline Merchant A/C, then rejoin WorldPay. By doing so, no monthly charges and enjoying (FSB) discount transactions rates.

              Streamline, RBS, WorldPay, They are all the "same-sister" company anyway - so why on earth? I don't see the logic in WorldPay sometimes.

              One other thing - Streamline don't see PayPal and Actinic Payment as "approved" PSP. Also they only allow to have one PSP on the Streamline Merchant Account.

              Does anyone out there managed to have additional PSP on Streamline???
              United Herbs


                One PSP per merchant account is usual with Streamline.
                You will always have to sign up for new merchant accounts if you change PSP (with Streamline. Don't know about others)
                You don't have to cancel the old one though. You can have merchant accounts with 2 different PSPs, you'd just need new ones to set up the new PSP (if that makes sense!)

                They DO, however, have a number of customers who use Actinic Payments so don't let that put you off.
                Streamline and Actinic Payments/CreditCall IS possible (I had no problems setting mine up and that was well over 12 months ago now)


                  Originally posted by uh_vm View Post
                  Streamline don't see PayPal and Actinic Payment as "approved" PSP.
                  Actinic payments is known as credit call to streamline, these are the guys who actually do the processing. Theres a thread about this somewere

                  As for paypal, use the standard seller account, if you try paypal pro then i think your find this is not pci compliant. and another thread about pci aswell

