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PayPal Express Error

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    PayPal Express Error


    Can anyone please Help, I have spent days trying to solve a problem when in the basket and then selecting pay now with PayPal Express, as soon as i click on it, a https box pops up and then it takes me to a page with no design on it and says the shopping cart is empty.

    I have tried everything from this post;
    But still got the error, can anyone please help me on this, i would be very grateful.


    PS if you would like to see it then please feel free to visit my site;

    i cant see an option to pay via paypal express - only paypalpro.

    has it ever worked?


      sorry, i thought it was express, i have pro and express enabled, that makes me wander now were the express should be! Did you see the problem with the paypal button anyway?



        I have just noticed that it is a security problem with the header, does anyone know what this can be and how to fix it?


          start again using this guide....

          but before you start get your own SSL cert -

          SSL with Paypal Pro
          SSL is not mandatory with Paypal Express Checkout, however it is necessary for Paypal Direct Debit because it makes you capture credit card details on your site so you should use SSL (Actinic shared SSL, or an SSL cert) to be secure. As they come in a bundle SSL is required.


            thanks for that i will look in to getting a dedicated SSL, any idea why the paypal button is in the basket when i haven't got paypal selected? Is it all part an parcel of having express selected?


              any idea why the paypal button is in the basket when i haven't got paypal selected? Is it all part an parcel of having express selected?
              to me you need to go back over the entire setup guide - there is a fundamental ommission as the paypal express button is not visible - this ommision can only really be resolved by you working through the setup guide line by line

              you should be able to get pp express working without ded SSL, but PPP will need to wait


                Ok, I have been through the steps about 5 times now and i have now got a dedicated SSL and i still have the problem, could it be the information in the set up? They are not really clear, the paypal pro one is straight forward, but for express what do i put in the fields,

                Merchat login! should this be the pro merchant log in?
                Password! this is ok
                Signature! Not sure if this is correct i put the same that is in the vendor field in pro

                Also on paypal standard payments what should be in the ID box? should this be the merchant login as paypal pro?



                  "An error received from PayPal Pro Website Payments. Try again or select a different payment method. The error was: Security header is not valid"

                  This is what the error says, also can anyone tell me why my page is all messed up?




                    This is were the paypal button links to in my code, i tested the link and the image is correct, paypal must have changed their image for express or the link is incorrect.



                      Problem Resolved

                      Problem solved!

                      I just thought i would let you the resolve to my problem, i found this link


                      which explains it all.

                      Many thanks


                        I still cant see the Paypal express button on your site...

                        Business Rules

                        Website Payments Pro must be integrated on your website in the following ways. You must:
                        1. Present the PayPal Express Checkout button and associated messaging before requesting postal address, billing address, and financial information. PayPal account holders should not be required to enter any of this information on your website, because the information is available from their PayPal accounts.


                          The button which actinic links to for express is the one i have and it is also called the express button on the paypal site, not sure what to do here and not sure where to get it from, any ideas?

