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Actinic Payments Page Customisation

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    Actinic Payments Page Customisation

    I am looking at customising the 'Actinic Payments' payment page, but other than changing colours I was undecided how to best incorporate a company logo and would be interested in hearing how others altered the images on their sites and any screen shots of their modified pages.

    The main options I had considered was
    1. Removing the 'Actinic Payments' logo in the top left corner and replace it with own logo.

    2. Modify the top left corner to incorporate both Actinic Payments and my company logo, although this may look too 'busy'

    3. Use the footer to add either the company logo or modified version of the 'Actinic Payments' logo
    Darren Guppy
    Golf Tee Warehouse
    Golf Tees and Golf Accessories.

    put your own branding at the top of the page, put the AP/creditcall validation at the botton


      I kept it as simple as possible. The AP page is certainly not the easiest to customise but you can adjust cell spacing to tighten things up a bit.

      Your need to create your images to fit in and change the css to suit but you can certainly make it look something like your website. Although i need to update this one as this is still using the layout of the previous version on the site. But im sure your get the idea of what you can achieve



        I think I will go with adding my logo into the top left corner and moving the Actinic Payments logo into the footer.
        Darren Guppy
        Golf Tee Warehouse
        Golf Tees and Golf Accessories.


          Thanks for the advice. Attached is the finished design, although I seem to now have an issue in IE7 with the 'Cancel and Return' text link in the top right corner now no longer displayed in a single line (looks fine in FF3).
          I have made no changes that should effect this bit of the design so am i bit confused why is displays incorrectly.

          I think I will need to revert back to the original css file tomorrow and work through the CSS changes one by one.
          Attached Files
          Darren Guppy
          Golf Tee Warehouse
          Golf Tees and Golf Accessories.


            I have now found the cause of the problem which I have traced to a couple of missing CSS properties in the ekashu.css file.

            I compared the original css files on the unmodifed site to the css file supplied in the zip file supplied in the Knowledgebase article Can I customise my Actinic Payments page? and found on lines 139 and 153 the property:
            white-space: nowrap;
            was missing and when added back in corrected the display problem in IE7.

            This was related to the elements:
            .ekashu_return_url a
            .ekashu_failure_return_url a
            This may potentially affect anybody customising the Actinic Payments page using the knowledgebase article and uploading to the new actinic payments server.
            Darren Guppy
            Golf Tee Warehouse
            Golf Tees and Golf Accessories.


              Thats good to know Darren - thank you


                hi, i might of missed it but can anyone point to to documentation for customising the actinic payments page, is there an actinic guide on this
                Treasure Island Sweets


                  This knowledgebase article details the steps involved:
                  Can I customise my Actinic Payments page?
                  Darren Guppy
                  Golf Tee Warehouse
                  Golf Tees and Golf Accessories.


                    many thanks
                    Treasure Island Sweets


                      See Post 56 onwards in this thread Actinic Payments vs Protx for discussion related to the launch of the free payment page image hosting on the Actinic Server.
                      Darren Guppy
                      Golf Tee Warehouse
                      Golf Tees and Golf Accessories.


                        Thanks for letting us know, Darren. We've uploaded a new zip file to that article, with the amended ekashu.css.
                        Ben Popplestone
                        Ecommerce website software



                          I'm still deciding which PSP I'll use and I am now looking at Actinic Payments.

                          I was looking at the customised page on the 'kites are us site'. Which seems pretty good. However I noticed that if you hover on the creditcall logo, you are not linked to the creditcall website. I was wondering if it would be possible to do that? Seeing as neither 'actinic payments' or 'creditcall' are well known brand names, I imagine a link to the creditcall website might increase confidence. Even better would be a mention of Actinic payments on the creditcall website-- but that might be asking a bit much I know.



                            I remember reading recently that some research into this had suggested the best practice was to use hover text to explain or clarify items on the checkout pages. The last thing you want to do is have customers click away during the payment stage.


                            First Tackle - Fly Fishing and Game Angling



                              I appreciate that..

                              but what if it opened in a new window?

                              just looking at ways to increase customer confidence... I must admit I would be a bit concerned about putting my credit card details in the actinic payments screen, having not heard of them or creditcall...

