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Sage Pay Error

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    Sage Pay Error

    I just tried to set up Sage Pay in test mode. I set up everything exactly to this guide:

    Then when I tried a test order in my store I got this error when it forwarded to the Sage Pay Form:

    This transaction attempt has failed. Please use the Proceed button go back to the web store from which you were purchasing. The details of the failure are given below.

    Status: INVALID

    Status Detail: 4006 : The TxType requested is not supported on this account. The value was DEFERRED.

    Anyone any ideas on how to fix this???



    I have also upgraded to the latest version of Actinic 9.0.4 which has the updated sagepay files in the OCC folders.

    So I left the OCC files alone as when I looked at them the vendorname and encryption password looked like they linked to the values that you enter in the Business Settings?


      Does this post help at all?
      Reusable Snore Earplugs : Sample Earplugs - Wax Earplugs - Women's Earplugs - Children's Earplugs - Music Earplugs - Sleep Masks


        Thanks for the link! I just changed the Transaction option to 'Charge transactions immediately' and now it works.

        How do I get a Maestro payment option in the 'Select Payment Method' on the Sage Pay Form screen? So far it has all the Visa's , Mastercard, Solo, but no maestro??

        Thanks again,



          You probably need to talk to SagePay about that that, or whoever your merchant account is with.
          Reusable Snore Earplugs : Sample Earplugs - Wax Earplugs - Women's Earplugs - Children's Earplugs - Music Earplugs - Sleep Masks


            Originally posted by benh777 View Post
            Thanks for the link! I just changed the Transaction option to 'Charge transactions immediately' and now it works.

            How do I get a Maestro payment option in the 'Select Payment Method' on the Sage Pay Form screen? So far it has all the Visa's , Mastercard, Solo, but no maestro??
            It's possible that you don't have 3d secure set up within SagePay and, as Maestro (allegedly) can only be processed alogside 3d secure checks, maybe this is resulting in it being unavailable?

            Complete stab in the dark but something to check


              Thanks for the pointers!

              It has now stopped working again, i've emailed SagePay for help but haven't had a reply from them still..

              I'm getting this error when I try to transfer to the sagepay VSP Form server, this bit:
              You will now be automatically transferred to the Sage Pay VSP secure server to process your credit card details with complete confidence.

              This catalog is currently running in test mode. Your credit card will not be debited.

              The error I'm getting is this:
              This transaction attempt has failed. Please use the Proceed button go back to the web store from which you were purchasing. The details of the failure are given below.

              Status: INVALID

              Status Detail: 5050 : The Billing Address contains invalid characters.

              Any ideas as to how to fix this?

              Many Thanks,



                We are also now getting error 5050

                Our site went live last week after we made a successful payment & refund on the live protx server.

                Over the weekend we had several orders, however it seems all of them just hung on the transfer to the protx server.

                We talked to support today and they asked us to change the post urls to the new sage pay ones. Which I did following the instructions I found here (editing the OCCupgrade.ini file.

                When we then tried a transaction on the test server I got the 5050 invalid characters in billing address.

                SagePay support then got us to post to the showpost function on sage pay and responded with the following.

                <quote>After further investigation of your showpost I can now see exactly what your website is sending over to Sage Pay and it appears that you are sending over information that is not required when using Form. Now when using Sage Pay Form you simply send over your transaction information encrypted using an encryption password supplied by ourselves. Within this encrypted string are two fields called 'SuccessURL' and 'FailureURL', these are vital to Form as they allow us to redirect your customer to the correct location based upon the transaction result. Now looking at your showpost below you can see that you have supplied these URLs correctly but you have also supplied an additional field called RedirectURL:</quote>

                They suggested we remove that field from the server request & try again. I have mailed them to point out that the script hasn't changed since our successful test transaction and that the script is part of Actinic.

                I have looked at the script and the encrypted data passed into that field is supplied by this variable $::sCallBackURLBack

                Apart from entering our encryption key, that script has never been edited.

                I don't really want to edit that out of the script, I have no idea what side effects may occur.

                Anyone have any ideas of what is going on? For now our catalogue is suspended until we can resolve this.

                rather than sit here twiddling my thumbs I have edited the script to remove the RedirectURL and it still fails with the same 5050 Error.


                Freelance web design


                  Ben, Jan

                  Suggest you contact Actinic support so this issue can be investigated.
                  Krithika Chandrasekar


                  E-commerce software by SellerDeck


                    Another thing I noticed when it was working is that if I enter the card details in the actinic pages the details aren't passed onto the SagePay Form pages, they have to be filled in again?

                    So should I have to take out the card details input in the actinic checkout pages, or is there a way to pass the details to the SagePay Form pages?

                    Also would I need a SSL certificate for either option?




                      We aren't entitled to support anymore

                      Originally posted by Krithika View Post
                      Ben, Jan

                      Suggest you contact Actinic support so this issue can be investigated.
                      The company I am doing the development for bought the product a long time before getting me to implement the site.
                      Freelance web design


                        Ben - you've identified the problem even if you don't realise it . The whole point of a PSP is so customers DON'T enter their card details while still on the Actinic store.

                        In your Payment and Security settings, what payment method have you configured? If you are using SagePay as your sole payment method, then this should be the only one there.

                        Tbh I didn't think it was still possible to have the "credit card details sent separately" method in v9 because of the PCI difficulties.

                        As far as the SSL thing is concerned, you don't need one as your PSP takes care of that. However, some people (me included) use secured Actinic checkout pages because customers seem to prefer it.
                        Last edited by guccij; 16-Jun-2009, 07:09 AM. Reason: adding info
                        Reusable Snore Earplugs : Sample Earplugs - Wax Earplugs - Women's Earplugs - Children's Earplugs - Music Earplugs - Sleep Masks


                          Unfortunately we don't have a support contract
                          Freelance web design


                            My problem is different to Ben's in that we don't manage to get to the point where we can enter card details (which we can only do on the Sage Pay side, as it should be)
                            Freelance web design


                              If you don't have a support contract, you can still email them via
                              Reusable Snore Earplugs : Sample Earplugs - Wax Earplugs - Women's Earplugs - Children's Earplugs - Music Earplugs - Sleep Masks

