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3rd man

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    3rd man

    is third man only available on the actinic pay because sagepay (protxt) have it but i cant find anywhere to turn it on in actinic. Any help please?

    Sagepay has this feature already turned on. You do nothing in Actinic, unless you use Actinic Payments and that's when you start using those options
    "If my answers frighten you then you should cease asking scary questions"


      The results from the 3rd man and 3d secure that you see explained on an orders progress and payment tab is specific to Actinic Payments (PSP) only. i.e. whilst SagePay (aka Protx) also provide these security features, they have not adopted them to report back to actinic to show directly against an order... So, Actinic Payments you can see this in the order on the software, but for Sage, you have to check on the online control panel that Sage provide.


        The Third Man is only integrated with Actinic from v9.0.4, although if you use Actinic Payments you can also see the results in the online control panel whichever version of Actinic you are using.



          I though I would post here rather than start a new thread.

          We have to manually check the Third man status as only about 1 in 8 orders downloaded have the status updated automatically to Released, the rest are pending. I appreciate it can take an hour or so to get the status updated but these orders can be from over the weekend and not retrieved until Monday morning.

          Any suggestions please.




            Have you tried clicking on the '3rd Man Update' button under 'View Payments' on 'Progress and Payments' tab or the '3rd man Update' button from the order screen (with the order in question highlighted).

            I always find the status is usually received well within the hour and never had one delayed like you describe.
            Darren Guppy
            Golf Tee Warehouse
            Golf Tees and Golf Accessories.


              Hi Darren,

              When I get an order through from AP with pending, I simply click on 3rd man update button in the Progress and Payments tab and it updates within seconds. It's not a great deal to do it manually as since we went to AP, card payments have dropped from about 80% to 20% and PayPal has shot up. Just weird that some come through checked but most don't.

              Thanks, Paul


                When you said 'Manually' I was unsure if you meant you logged into the Actinic Payment control panle to check, but now I understand what you mean.

                I think this may have happen to me before but not taken much notice to be sure, although it is not a major problem as I tend to look into the payments tab to look at the full payment details and the actual 3rd man score.
                Darren Guppy
                Golf Tee Warehouse
                Golf Tees and Golf Accessories.


                  Hello Paul

                  Sorry this is not working correctly for you, I am having a word with the team to see if they can provide any pointers as I have never seen this happen and have used it extensively on many different servers.





                    Would you be able to contact me offline about this as I would really like to get to the bottom of what is happening. I have spoken to the team and they require the transaction numbers of the orders which did not have the 3rd Man scores downloaded correctly.

                    Email is dlsupport at actinic dot co dot uk





                      Golf Tee Darren - We tend not to use the view payments tab, simply look for a released green light. I know that when an order comes down as pending, there are no scores or rules results until I hit the 3rd man Update button. I really like your website though, would you be adverse to me contacting you offline for some tips?

                      Actinic Darren, will do, I'll get some numbers from tomorrow's orders Emailed through to you - Thanks for taking an interest although as I say, it's far from being an issue for us but it may well be affecting other users as well.


                        Originally posted by Paul Cooper View Post
                        I really like your website though, would you be adverse to me contacting you offline for some tips?
                        Feel free to message me or email me, although I am not a designer and far from an expert so may be limited to what tips I can provide.
                        Darren Guppy
                        Golf Tee Warehouse
                        Golf Tees and Golf Accessories.


                          Update re auto download of Fraud Status

                          It appears the 3rd Man statuses were generated, but for some reason Actinic did now download them. I'll post any new news from the team as I get it.




                            An update

                            I have been able to recreate this problem by downloading a mixture of orders from two different PSPs. A bug has been raised for this and will be investigated for a future release.

                            Many thanks for bringing this to our attention.



