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Understanding payment Options

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    Understanding payment Options


    I wonder if anyone could help me, I'm having difficulties understanding setting up online payments for my client. I do have previous Actinic and online payments experience but this one is a little more tricky...

    My client currently banks with Lloyds TSB, they have set up a new online Merchant ID number and are using Streamline to accept online payments. Are Streamline the Payment Service Provider?

    My client will be running multiple Actinic sites, all selling similar products but on different domains.

    I have previously set up sites with Actinic Payments. I spoke to Actinic about using one Merchant ID for multiple websites. They said that I would need multiple Actinic Payments accounts. This isn't really an option...

    Moving forward I want to have one Actinic orders program that will download orders from multiple sites. I know that this can be achieved with a multi-site mod (I have received feedback on this from a previous post, thank-you)

    I want all orders to be processed with the Pre-Authorisation facility as used in Actinic Payments.

    Please can someone advise which PSP I need to use? And offer me some general advice. Should I be using Streamline?

    I know that a Dedicated SSL will be needed and I can set this up. Allowing the user to be kept on the site (domain) while making a payment.

    I'm a bit confused

    Any help would be much appreciated!

    Many Thanks,



    If the sites are selling similar products have you considered having one actinic site, with each of your "different" sites as the top level sections.

    Each off these sections could have the existing domains redirect to them, so that marketing and branding can be tailored to suit. You could also modify the page layout and marketing lists for each section.

    The beauty of this option is that it's all on one site, so you only need one PSP and associated merchant accounts.

    All orders will be downloaded and processed in one location.

    What do you think?

    Army Gore-tex
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      Thanks for your response,

      I don't think thats an appropriate solution for me.

      The domains in question are already number 1 position on Google for their keywords, receiving a lot of traffic.

      The idea of having multiple Actinic sites was that we could attract more traffic and we have succeeded in this.

      Could anyone else offer any advice on what I'm trying to archive?




        Can anyone help me with this?

        Need to get something sorted ASAP


          Please can someone advise which PSP I need to use? And offer me some general advice. Should I be using Streamline?
          Choice of PSP tends to be a personal one, ie thebest of thebunch right now is probably actinic payments, but worldpay and sagepay will allow multiple accts for related websites within one business - you should probably phone each one before you dcide. FTR streamline is your merchant not your psp
          I know that a Dedicated SSL will be needed and I can set this up. Allowing the user to be kept on the site (domain) while making a payment
          no you do not have to have dedicated ssl as you do not process payment on site. The current pci regulations mean that the processing is done by your psp



            Actinic Payments will allow multiple merchant accounts to work through one Actinic Payments account.

            However the way we have intepreted PCI-DSS regulations is that they require to know which website each payment received has come from, therefore we advise against taking this route if you require to conform with PCI-DSS regulations. This is our offical line with customers wishing to implement multiple sites with one Actinic Payment account, we can advise and offer PCI-DSS compliant PSP services however compliying with PCI-DSS is the responsibility of the merchant.

            Some customers have advised me that they have received confirmation from their banks that they are allowed to use one merchant account for various different websites, this may be a different interpretation of the PCI-DSS regulations by the banks.

            Neil Bayton
            Admin Manager
            Neil Bayton
            Sales Manager
            SellerDeck Ltd


              I have one merchant account (Streamline), one AP account and run several sites with no problems. RBS were fine with me doing that

