Originally posted by cbarling
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I've given up counting the number of times we've had to reassure people and restate the facts regarding PCI compliancy and the "security" scans undertaken by 3rd parties (for a fee).
I liken these scanning companies to the marketeers promoting hygiene products i.e. the ones who suddenly inform you that the soap pump dispenser you've been using happily for years without any negative health impact is suddenly BAD for you and full of bacteria and you MUST buy the hands free dispenser.
e.g. suddenly the server or network systems you've had running happily (that had previously passed all their scans) suddenly are no longer secure as a *new* vulnerability has been discovered.
I completely subscribe to ensuring maximum protection and security and recommend a belt and braces approach to dealing with data protection and card information, however a not-for-profit body operating for the benefit of the consumer would be a much more reliable source of what is and what is not compliant as opposed to these kind of "scary" warnings and alerts.
On another note when someone breaches the PCI requirements they are supposed to be penalised? Also, if a company that breached the standards was accountable for £millions and hundreds of thousands of transactions daily you would hope that the PCI authorities (VISA, Mastercard) would make some kind of stand?
I had to laugh when WorldPay (RBS) we not PCI compliant last year and amazingly nothing seemed to happen to them. No Charge. No Fee!
It's enough to make you cynical
