We have been using Secure Trading successfully for years now, but since we upgraded to version 9.05 (and probably since we upgraded from v7, but I never thought to check the payment pages as they have always worked!), the address details of the customer are not fully passed through to the ST payment form (specifically Address line 1, Town/City, and County or State). Name, Postcode/Zip, Country, and Telephone Number are fine, as are the order reference and the amount.
Obviously this means that even though payments go through successfully, we are getting an AVS check error, because ST can't verify the address numbers.
I have contacted ST support, and as usual they have been very helpful, and have sent me their latest Actinic merchant files, which I have uploaded to their servers, but still the problem persists.
I noticed Chris Adams' thread on the forum (having of course searched beforehand
) which mentions a similar problem with v8.5 and doesn't seem to apply to v9, and I wonder if anyone else has noticed the problem or come across a solution? There appears to be no mention of on the KB either.
Obviously this means that even though payments go through successfully, we are getting an AVS check error, because ST can't verify the address numbers.
I have contacted ST support, and as usual they have been very helpful, and have sent me their latest Actinic merchant files, which I have uploaded to their servers, but still the problem persists.
I noticed Chris Adams' thread on the forum (having of course searched beforehand