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Sage Pay Secure Server Freezes

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    Sage Pay Secure Server Freezes

    Hi, I have just upgraded from V7 to V9 today and amongst other problems the main one is when the goods are in the basket, the link to take them to Sage Pay secure server freezes. Any clues would be appreciated!

    Have you completed the usual housekeeping steps and refreshed the website? And of course the elusive URL would help along with checking the payment settings are still correct within business settings.


      Does this thread help:
      Reusable Snore Earplugs : Sample Earplugs - Wax Earplugs - Women's Earplugs - Children's Earplugs - Music Earplugs - Sleep Masks


        I have now changed various setting in the occ upgrade file as per sage pay and this has now enabled the transition to sage pay, but now the error message says STATUS - Invalid - STATUS DETAIL - 3085 - The Failure URL Format is invalid.

        I have spoken with Sage Pay this morning and they have said to check the success url also.

        Any Clues?


          Originally posted by plumbbob View Post
          I have now changed various setting in the occ upgrade file as per sage pay and this has now enabled the transition to sage pay, but now the error message says STATUS - Invalid - STATUS DETAIL - 3085 - The Failure URL Format is invalid.

          I have spoken with Sage Pay this morning and they have said to check the success url also.

          Any Clues?
          Er, yes. The thread mentioned above and Tracey's post #6 in particular:

          "Close Actinic.
          Copy the original OCCProtxScriptTemplate from the Program Files > Actinic V9 > OCCUpgrade > CommonOCC folder into your SITE1 folder (or whatever your site is named in My Documents > Actinic V9 > Sites)

          Then reopen Actinic and enter the correct details into the "Configure Method" prompts in Business Settings > Payment & Security

          I'm hoping that just editing these settings will be enough to prompt Actinic to re-upload the payment files.
          You'll just need to make sure you have your original Protx/Sagepay Secret Key to hand, in case you have overwritten it in error."
          Reusable Snore Earplugs : Sample Earplugs - Wax Earplugs - Women's Earplugs - Children's Earplugs - Music Earplugs - Sleep Masks


            That didnt work - i am loathe to ring actinic as they usually blame someone else- even though i have cover


              As i thought, Actinic have taken me offline for 36 hours and blamed everyone else. Blamed Sage Pay, Server. I have now reloaded v7 and is ok. Wish i had never upgraded. i was promised no hassle at all and 3 weeks later it is still not live.
              How can v7 run and v9 not. The settings havent altered etc.



                Oh and as it's the weekend - 5pm and see ya.


                  As I understand it, the consensus is, don't upgrade from v7 directly to v9. There's a lot about this elsewhere on here.

                  In the meantime, did you see this other thread?
                  Reusable Snore Earplugs : Sample Earplugs - Wax Earplugs - Women's Earplugs - Children's Earplugs - Music Earplugs - Sleep Masks


                    After sending the snapshot to Actinic last thursday - they still havent resolved my problem.. Can someone take a look at the following act.OCCPROTXTEMPLATE.html i have looked at v7 and v9 and it says TESTMODE still in v9.

                    Version 7 ;
                    <BR>You will now be automatically transferred to the Sage Pay VSP secure server
                    to process your credit card details with complete confidence.

                    Version 9 ;
                    <BR>You will now be automatically transferred to the Protx VSP secure server
                    to process your credit card details with complete confidence. NETQUOTEDEL:TESTMODE
                    <BIG>This catalog is currently running in test mode. Your credit card will not be debited.</BIG>


                    Is this the problem?



                      SORRY - Got it the wrong way round

                      V7 says Test mode v9 says the other.

                      Yet v7 loads and it working and v9 loads but fails at the sage pay end


                      Failure URL error


                        I get this all the time as I just upgrade from V8.5 to V9.04 and that's as far as it goes

                        My V8.5 site works fine but this one is really getting to me

                        anyone know what I need to change please?

                        You will now be automatically transferred to the Sage Pay VSP secure server to process your credit card details with complete confidence


                          Hang on!

                          Hasn't this bit below got be edited for the URL within the OCCProtxscripttemplate?

                          OMG! - please feel free to call me a total ****************

                          I hope this helps out others

                          my $sSagePayURL = '';

                          if ($bTestMode) {
                          # $sSagePayURL = "http://localhost/";
                          $sSagePayURL = "";
                          } else {
                          # $sSagePayURL = "http://localhost/";
                          $sSagePayURL = "";


                            nope! - it still hangs and won't go to Sage Pay, please tell me what I am meant to edit/change etc as this is doing my head in


                              You don't edit the file at all in v9.04 ...

                              So what exactly are you trying to do? Did you start over with the original from the Originals folder in your Actinic installation?
                              Reusable Snore Earplugs : Sample Earplugs - Wax Earplugs - Women's Earplugs - Children's Earplugs - Music Earplugs - Sleep Masks

