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Error Message from PayPal !

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    Error Message from PayPal !

    Is someone able to point to the source of the error !

    Making a test payment at PayPal, I received this error message while PayPal was trying to redirect me on my site (

    I was able to make the payment. I receive a notification from Paypal that I made a payment.
    I receive a notification from Paypal that a payment was made.

    Retrieve the order in Actinic but no Paypal payment callback !

    Here's the error message :

    A General Script Error Occurred
    Error: Bad input string "SEQUENCE=3&ACTION=Finalisez%20la%20transaction%20%21&ORDERNUMBER=BMT5S910002538&REFPAGE=http%3a%2f%2fwww%2esecondemain%2eca%2facatalog%2fSecondemain_Taylor__Laura_12883%2ehtml&&tx=88476728AB032852U&st=Completed&amt=13.00&cc=CAD&cm=&item_number=BMT5S910002538". Argument count 20.
    Press the Browser back button and try again or contact the site owner.
    Bernard Morin