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SagePay Update for old Protx URLs

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    SagePay Update for old Protx URLs


    I've just received an email from SagePay informing me that my Actinic (v7) site is still using the old Protx URLs and that I need to upgrade it.

    Here's a list of the new URLs:-,16CDZC,EG3P,1

    Bearing this in mind, what should I be changing? Should I be editing settings from within Actinic, or do I have to modify the Perl files directly?

    Files I suspect should be changed include:-

    * Sites/MY_SITE_SUBFOLDER/CommonOCC/

    which has some settings obviously applicable to Protx, and the forwarding page:-

    * Act_OCCWorldpayTemplate.html

    which appears to be the forwarding page that contains "NETQUOTEVAR:OCC_URL" (where is *that* set?)

    Should I be looking at the files in

    * Actinic v7\OCCUpgrade\CommonOCC

    as well?

    (Edit: Doesn't have to be done until 30 Sep, though it obviously makes sense to do it sooner rather than later).

    - Arbre

    A quick search and you will found this:


      Ah, thanks- I should have been searching further back than I was (assumed posts dealing with this would be recent). I'll post more in the thread you linked to.


        Ok Same e-mail from Sage Pay.

        Have carried out all steps over and over again.

        When I open Actinic I am not getting the upgrade that I have seen many times in the past when I have had to edit the file.

        I have been increasing the number and saving but it is simply not upgrading.

        Any ideas?



          Ok, after a dozen attempts it upgraded the site but Sagepay is now broken, even when replacing the new file with the original.

          I get the following error regardless of it being the old or new file.

          Status: INVALID

          Status Detail: 5030 : Unable to decrypt the request message. This might be caused by an incorrect password or invalid encoding.

          Any ideas?



            Originally posted by Buzby View Post
            Ok, after a dozen attempts it upgraded the site but Sagepay is now broken, even when replacing the new file with the original.

            I get the following error regardless of it being the old or new file.

            Status: INVALID

            Status Detail: 5030 : Unable to decrypt the request message. This might be caused by an incorrect password or invalid encoding.

            Any ideas?
            Yeah, I had that as well. Turned out I hadn't restored the file correctly and it still had the placeholder password and confirmation email settings:-



            - Arbre


              Question for Duncan

              The knowledge base article that Duncan pointed people to only seems to apply to those with single sites.

              With multiple sites I gather that you don't need to increment the version number in OCCUpgrade.ini? However, that is the file with the Protx url that needs changing and OCCUpgrade.ini isn't located in the individual site folders, just at global level. If I change it without incrementing the version no will the changes be uploaded?

              Also, I noticed that has a Protx URL in it. Should that be amended too?

              BTW we still have v9.0.2 although we will be upgrading.



                Just upgraded to v9.0.5 and SagePay link working ok. Slightly scary moment that I thought worth mentioning here.

                I got the 'INVALID' error mentioned a couple of posts back when I first tested the site. This was because I hadn't updated When Actinic does the update it kindly backs up this file to a folder called Actinic v9/Sites/Site1/CommonOCC/backup (depending on your site name) and replaces it with a default copy.

                Open the backed up file and the new one and cut and paste the Sage password and the confirmation email address to the placeholders near the top. Depending which version you are updating from you may need to get the merchant id from Business settings->payment and security->configure method (unless you happen to remember it of course!) as that wasn't in the old versions of the script.

