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sagepay authenticate error "payment type is invalid"

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    sagepay authenticate error "payment type is invalid"

    Since updating the old Protx URLs, I have a problem with SagePay Txtype.

    Set to PAYMENT it works fine:

    $sHiddenValues .= "<INPUT TYPE=HIDDEN NAME=\"TxType\" VALUE=\"PAYMENT\">\n";

    Set to AUTHENTICATE (which is what is required by the site owner), I have a problem:

    $sHiddenValues .= "<INPUT TYPE=HIDDEN NAME=\"TxType\" VALUE=\"AUTHENTICATE\">\n";

    The error message when purchasing is this:
    Status: INVALID
    Status Detail: 3014 : The TxType or PaymentType is invalid.

    SagePay says that Authenticate is set up on the account.

    Has anyone had this before or have any ideas on how to proceed?

    OK - I've found the problem is with the Protocol being 2.20 instead of 2.22

    I had reinstalled Actinic after a computer change forgetting that I had downloaded an upgrade patch to v7.07

    The change I made to get the correct Sage Pay payment URLs caused the old protocol to be uploaded and stopped the Authenticate working any more.

    Grrr. Now I will have to try to find that upgrade patch somewhere.

