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v9.05 SagePay Error code 2147483638

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    v9.05 SagePay Error code 2147483638

    Hi! I am looking for assistance in eliminating issues that could cause this error.
    It happens when SagePay tries to redirect the user back to Actinic.
    I have already requested and input a new secret key & encryption password.
    What's the first thing to check?

    Sagepay 2nd level support have asked to check this:

    As you are using Actinic they are responsible for building a SuccessURL which consists of four key components when posting to our live server and these are:


    Once the SuccessURL has been built and generated this is then passed over to Sage Pay when your Actinic shopping cart posts your transaction registration and we will then attempt to redirect the shopper to this successful order confirmation page once the transaction has completed. Even though the error message being displayed in shown on the Sage Pay domain we have no control over this as the issue relates to your Actinic Shopping Cart not being able to format the four key components above.

    If you are still experiencing issues when following the steps above we would strongly recommend that you contact Actinic direct as we will not be able to offer support on 3rd Party software and we can only troubleshoot issues relating to Sage Pay error messages.


      When did the problem start?
      Is it an upgrade issue or has it always happened?
      Does it happen all the time or is it just ocasional?


      First Tackle - Fly Fishing and Game Angling



        Hi Mike
        It happens all the time. We have yet to receive our first order on the website, it is newly launched.
        Do you have an example of a success URL? I will check that it is being passed correctly through the firewall without being altered..


          Hi Chris,

          Sorry, I don't use sagepay. It's just that other sagepay users with the same error have tended to be upgrade or key issues and I wanted to see if there was something in your usage that might point to where the problem was coming from.

          Does the transaction appear in sagepay? That would suggest Actinic is handing the order details over to Sagepay OK. Just that the return path is wrong or being blocked.

          Sagepay seem to be suggesting that Actinic is generating the wrong return url but it could just be that it's being blocked by your server. You should be able to see the url you're getting by doing a test transaction.

          You should also be able to see any actinic errors by looking in your error.err file

          You're server error log should also give you some clues. Maybe even your server firewall logs will have something in them.

          This isn't a common problem so it's unlikely to be actinic or sagepay that's the problem. It's most likely your server setup but finding people who can point you in the right direction is going to be hard.

          The only other thing I can think of is to check that you have all the modules actinic suggest should be loaded on the server.


          First Tackle - Fly Fishing and Game Angling


