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PayPal Express Checkout not passing full address details to actinic

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    PayPal Express Checkout not passing full address details to actinic

    I use paypal express checkout with my shopping cart 'actinic'.
    This usually works very well, and has done for months, with all the correct shipping details passed to my cart by paypal on completion. However today 11/10/2012 an error occured.

    I've altered the adress by the way

    Paypal passed this address to my cart;
    MRS Blah blah
    rue Lippmann 1234

    However the customer contacted me because a crucial line was left out.
    The shipping address should be;

    MRS Blah blah BPM Nr 30345
    rue Lippmann 1234

    As you can see this part ' BPM Nr 30345' was missing. The full address appears within the transaction details on the paypal website, but was not passed to actinic. If the customer had not contacted me then this order would probably have gone missing in the post.

    The paypal express integration with Actinic was set up for me by Paypal business support.
    They have got back to me saying this;

    I've checked your Logs and I was able to see that PayPal is providing the correct Address Details.

    token "EC-53T64353BV2619525"
    timestamp "2012-10-11T13:01:50Z"
    correlationid "a01a106421a94"
    ack "Success"
    version "2.3"
    build "3893058"
    payerid "KB3QCFV97LZLY"
    payerstatus "verified"
    business ""
    firstname "BLAH"
    countrycode "LU"
    shiptoname "Mrs Blah Blah BPM Nr 30345"
    shiptocity "Munsbach"
    shiptostate ""
    shiptozip "5365"
    shiptocountrycode "LU"
    shiptocountryname "Luxembourg"

    Why your Shop is not using the correct Information, we don't know really.

    Please contact your Shop provider to knoe why they are not using the correct Details
    So even though paypal has the correct full first line of name and address, and according to paypal this was passed to actinic, actinic does not have the full first line on the delivery contact section.
    Arka Tribal Jewellery

    Does anyone know if there is a limit to the number of characters that paypal express will pass back to sellerdeck for the name field?
    Arka Tribal Jewellery


      Paypal support have told me this;

      I show the SHIPTONAME was returned as Mrs Blah Blah BPM Nr 30262 in the GetExpressCheckoutDetails call your system made on Timestamp Oct 11, 2012 08:01:50 CDT
      If you're logging it you can locate it with correlation ID of:
      CAL a01a106421a94

      I suggest contacting your developer or cart and verify it is reading the entire SHIPTONAME field and parsing it as desired.
      So how can I find that out?
      Arka Tribal Jewellery


        can anyone tell me which file contains the code for the paypal express integration, there are 3 in OCC Common for Paypal.. but none say paypal express..
        Arka Tribal Jewellery


          Hello Mark

          The file you would need is . Hope this helps.

          Krithika Chandrasekar


          E-commerce software by SellerDeck


            Thanks Krithika,

            Is it correct that Paypal themselves wrote this integration?
            Arka Tribal Jewellery


              the suggestion is that the paypal integration is out of date.

              Paypal have told me this;

              It is a possibility the old file can't process the additional information.

              It's logical to assume it would be reading the information from the GetECDetails call as this is the first opportunity for it get the information from PayPal.

              Here are our latest SDKs, they were recently updated. I'm not familiar with Actinic but I've seen people using integrations over 10 years old, which is fine as long as you're not wanting to use any features created since then.
              Of course i dont understand GetECDetails or SDKs... I'm trying to run a shop.
              I find it very frustrating, that whenever there is a shopping cart-psp issue, the psp blames the cart and the cart people blame the psp, the customer is left in the middle.

              Before I get the 'you should switch to Actinic Payments' line .. I should point out this is paypal.. every shop needs paypal. So all I can say to retailers is *beware* The paypal express integration with actinic will not always pass over the full address.. You may end up sending out orders to incomplete adresses. Whos problem that is to sort out I dont know.
              Arka Tribal Jewellery


                Hello Mark

                I am discussing this with my colleague in development and will let you know shortly.

                Krithika Chandrasekar


                E-commerce software by SellerDeck


                  thanks again Krithika.
                  Arka Tribal Jewellery


                    was there any answer found to this problem Krithika?
                    Arka Tribal Jewellery


                      Hello Mark

                      I am afraid not . We are trying to test Paypal Pro our end, however the test system seems to be broken and we are waiting for Paypal to resolve the issue.

                      Krithika Chandrasekar


                      E-commerce software by SellerDeck

