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Fraudulent Transaction - Should I do anything

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    Fraudulent Transaction - Should I do anything

    Have just received a telephone call from a card holder informing me that an order processed earlier this month was unauthorised and appears to be fraudulent. She has reported it to her card company.
    The order value was over £250 (for the single most expensive item we stock) and was sent to a separate delivery address to the card holder. I was naturally suspicious but the Actinic Payments 3rd man score was 31 (green light) and a company email address used that didn't bounce. the CVV check was passed as was 3D secure so felt a little reassured.
    I have never received a chargeback before in many years of trading, although I have voided several orders in the past as they were more obviously fraudulent.

    My question is should I do anything now or just wait for a RFI (Request for information) to arrive.
    As the card was 3D secure enrolled and passed am I likely to receive a chargeback or will the bank accept the liability under the "Liability Shift" that Streamline talk about.
    The card is a UK Credit Card not a non-EU issued card and was 3D secure enrolled so believe I may be covered, although knowing how the banks hate to lose money am sceptical they will not try and worm out of liability.
    My other fear is that Streamline will use this as an excuse for rate rises.
    Darren Guppy
    Golf Tee Warehouse
    Golf Tees and Golf Accessories.

    As 3D secure enrolled and passed you should be covered and liability is with the bank - Seriously Good Cookware


      we use streamline, and had a fraudulent transaction on a card for just over £4000, we were sceptical because the caller kept phoning up asking "when it would be coming". he didn't seem interested in what it was, just "when"
      we eventually tracked down the "card holder" using 192, and google and other things, and when we contact him, he said "not another one, thats the fifth I know about"

      with the delivery driver some 40 miles away from dropping it off, we phoned the police, they said "we'll get back to you in the next 36 hours" and were not interested. we even offered to delay the delivery so they could get the police ready to catch them red-handed accepting delivery - not interested - we did NOT actually make the delivery and told the driver to bring it back to us.

      four days later we got a phone call from the police liason unit, suggesting that "as we are a victim of crime we could be put in touch with councillors etc" - not a bloody clue "!

      Streamline paid all the money of the transaction into our bank, the item came back to us, and some four months later, barclays asked us to repay the money as we couldn't have the item AND the money.

      according to the manufacturer, they had 10 of the expensive items purchased over a period of days, all cloned cards. and we were the only one to keep the item and have the money sat in our bank account for four months. The manufacturer even took our item back because they had run out of stock.

      Streamline said that we would not normally be liable as it passed the 3d checks, but barclays insited on the money because we told streamline we kept the goods.

