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SellerdeckPay - Order Adjustments Problem

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    SellerdeckPay - Order Adjustments Problem

    We have a site that often needs slight adjustments... today I have an order that was confirmed as £109.03 but after adjustment it is £116.38

    SellerdeckPay : I can only charge £109.03
    previously: Sellerdeck Payments : I can charge the adjustment amount £116.38 (also same for Paypal to within a % limit)

    I notice that beneath the card fields, there is a tick box with the text : "Store this card for order adjustments"
    - the wording is different on SellerdeckPay's marketing video, it shows as "Store this card for later re-use (see out T&C's for how we may use stored cards)"

    I assume the customer "must" have this ticked for us to make such adjustments.

    We need a way for this to be permanently "on", without the need for the customer to do this extra step.
    I can't see anywhere to do this

    Otherwise we can't use SellerdeckPay
    - we often make adjustments for all 3 sites.
    - right now, I can't send this order and I have to contact the customer to pay us... by bank transfer...
    - if we have a 100 orders that are adjusted... the work to deal with this will be impossible
    - international orders... I can't ask the customer to pay by bank transfer (there are fees etc - fee will exceed the adjustment value)

    Unfortunately at the moment ClearAccept do not allow payment to be taken above the amount that was originally authorised, unless the customer explicitly agreed to their card details being saved. It is not possible to override the customer's choice and force saving of those details.

    What is causing you to have so many adjustments?

    It should be possible using the wizard to take the extra payment from the customer by card over the phone, though this would incur an additional transaction fee.
    Bruce Townsend
    Ecommerce Product Manager
    Sellerdeck Ecommerce Solutions


      We do this from time to time as well. Another Sellerdeck Pay improvement

      Elysium:Online - Official Accredited SellerDeck Partner
      SellerDeck Design, Build, Hosting & Promotion
      Based in rural Northants


        Hi Bruce, have to agree this is kind of essential that we make adjustments. Might be we only have 3 of one thing on the order so the customer will swap to 4 of another which might be more expensive by pennies. These are not normally large adjustments but are a totally normal thing. Customer emails and says oh can you just adjust my order, I forgot something etc.


          Something we need as well. So many opt for our slower free delivery and then change their mind and want to pay the extra.


          Titan Jewellery (Swift Design)
          Zirconium Rings
          Damascus Steel Rings


            We need this too as customers order products that are the wrong type and need to be returned for a higher priced alternative to make adjustments for additional cost as well as to charge extra cost for faster delivery when requested.
            Mantra Audio


              Originally posted by brucet View Post
              What is causing you to have so many adjustments.
              One of the site sells in bulk quantities and it's by weight and priced per kilo... and sellerdeck's quantities are only in whole numbers.
              The other sites have customers "add" to their orders or changing the shipping etc.

              Is it a requirement by law?


                Done a test...

                Pre-Authorise mode, enable online & desktop

                Placed an order with the thing ticked, total = £17.40
                downloaded the order and added £1.20 adjustment, total = £18.60

                Click "Commit", £17.40 = charged (I tried changing the value to £18.60 but doesn't work)
                After above, "Pay" is illuminated
                Click "Pay", selected "use same card", £1.20 = charged

                I assume we are charged £17.40@1.4%+20p + £1.20@1.4%+20p
                - if it was 1 charge it would have been £18.60@1.4%+20p
                - so we've been charged £0.20 extra

                Click refund, shows £1.20 (expected £18.60), click "Request Refund", £1.20 refunded
                Click refund again (hoping original value £17.40 to show this time), again shows £1.20,

                In order to refund the 1st amount, you need to click into "Payment History" and then select the 1st amount (£17.40) and refund.

                Can Selledeck not make it work like Sellerdeck Payments?
                It was an in-house PSP before, and it is in-house now...


                  Hi, I can't experiment as still not working, but could you void the 17.40, and then take a payment of 18.60 using the same card if you have worked out how to have the adjustment button permanently ticked for users. Then the pre-auth would not be charged for the 17.40 original order and the reconciliation would be for the correct 18.60 and the charge would be the correct 1.4% + 20p.


                    Originally posted by DavidCP View Post
                    Hi, I can't experiment as still not working, but could you void the 17.40, and then take a payment of 18.60 using the same card if you have worked out how to have the adjustment button permanently ticked for users. Then the pre-auth would not be charged for the 17.40 original order and the reconciliation would be for the correct 18.60 and the charge would be the correct 1.4% + 20p.
                    Hi David
                    I believe SellerdeckPay by ClearAccept is similar to Sellerdeck Pay by Opayo in that once a transaction has been voided then that can't be undone (un-voided).

                    For now it may be simpler just to cancel the order, consult the customer for card details and re-enter as a MOTO order for the adjusted amount.

                    This is not a satisfactory arrangement and Sellerdeck should consult ClearAccept to integrate the functionality of the payment system soon as to at least that available in the previous Sellerdeck Pay by Opayo that has had to replaced by SellerdeckPay by ClearAccept on the basis of offering a cleaner and better integration with simpler reconciliation functionality for Sellerdeck software application(s).

                    End users should not have to be spending time trying to find a work around for a solution to a problem that did not exist previously!
                    Mantra Audio


                      Trying the VOID... (VOID also was un-VOID-able in Sellerdeck Payments)


                      Same values... Pre-authorised.
                      Buttons available:
                      COMMIT = Amount showing £17.40
                      PAY = amount showing £18.60, but only "Use Different Card" is available

                      Clicked VOID, result:
                      COMMIT = not available
                      PAY = available, but again only "Use Different Card" is available
                      = VOID method doesn't work

                      #1 : VOID method doesn't work
                      #2 : Cannot re-use the card at all... = bug?


                      Double checking, placed another order.

                      Clicked COMMIT = £17.40, balance shows £1.20
                      COMMIT is now greyed
                      PAY = available, Amount £1.20 for all 3 options available "Use Same Card" / "Use Same Card with Different CV2" / "Use Different Card"

                      Going further:
                      REFUND button available, amount £17.40
                      clicked REFUND
                      Now PAY = available, Amount £18.40 for all 3 options available "Use Same Card" / "Use Same Card with Different CV2" / "Use Different Card"

                      ## Can charge the £18.40 value, but you first have to commit the £17.40 and refund it back before it can be done...

                      Going even further
                      Clicked PAY £18.40
                      Options now:
                      COMMIT (£18.60) / REFUND (£0.00) / also in Payment History VOID is available
                      Clicked VOID
                      Now PAY = available, Amount £18.40 for all 3 options available "Use Same Card" / "Use Same Card with Different CV2" / "Use Different Card"


                      So... VOIDing from the begining stops you re-using the card... VOIDing after doesn't

                      Also I can't see anywhere whether the card details are stored / authorised for re-use


                        I've not heard from support whether the "tick" box is a legal requirement
                        So I'm making it function like before with Sellerdeck Payments

                        I've made the tick box : hidden and submitted as ticked
                        Design > Library
                        Layouts Tab > Payment Methods > ClearAcceptFields


                        <input id="idStoreCard" type="checkbox" name="STORECARD" value="checked" >
                        <label class="checkbox" for="idStoreCard"><actinic:variable name="StoreCardPermission" /></label>
                        to this:

                        <input id="idStoreCard" type="checkbox" name="STORECARD" value="checked" checked="true" style="display:none">
                        <!--<label class="checkbox" for="idStoreCard"><actinic:variable name="StoreCardPermission" /></label> -->

                        - first line added : checked="true" style="display:none"
                        - second line added the <!-- and --> : hides their standard blurb as it doesn't make sense without the tickbox... can replace with something your own


                          Originally posted by brucet View Post
                          Unfortunately at the moment ClearAccept do not allow payment to be taken above the amount that was originally authorised, unless the customer explicitly agreed to their card details being saved. It is not possible to override the customer's choice and force saving of those details.
                          Can ClearAccept provide a solution to enable order adjustments above the amount originally authorised equivalent to that was available by Sellerdeck Pay by Opayo?.

                          If this can't be done by ClearAccept in the short term, then can Sellerdeck provide a work round for this?
                          Mantra Audio


                            Originally posted by brucet View Post
                            Unfortunately at the moment ClearAccept do not allow payment to be taken above the amount that was originally authorised, unless the customer explicitly agreed to their card details being saved. It is not possible to override the customer's choice and force saving of those details.
                            This causes problems as it is not always easy to contact customers for card details and explain why this is needed to make adjustments to an existing order.

                            For now I have made an addition to the text message giving the customer the option to save card details as follows:
                            Design | Text | Checkout | Phase: -1 ID:3119
                            "(recommended for Qty change, additional delivery, exchange price adjustments)"

                            We'll see if this makes a difference in facilitating adjustments more readily.

                            Also is there a way that the view payments screen can be updated to include the information "Card details saved? Yes" similar to "Keep details private? Yes" on the order contacts screen?
                            Mantra Audio


                              Originally posted by Mantra View Post
                              We'll see if this makes a difference in facilitating adjustments more readily.
                              It makes no difference!!

                              Just tried adding an adjustment amount £6 typical for a next day delivery request to a test order with save card details box ticked and this resulted in the screenshot below when I attempted to commit the updated payment amount.

                              I have removed the additional note added to the save card details screen text - waste of time trying.

                              Click image for larger version

Name:	TotalCaptureAmount.jpg
Views:	189
Size:	17.9 KB
ID:	556623
                              Mantra Audio

