I received the email copied and pasted below from WorldPay (customercommunications@fisglobal.com ) today, rather confused as we only use PayPal on our website (did at one time use Credit Call)
Anyway I called WorldPay and spoke to three different "agents" non of whom had a clue what this is about, I assume it is a genuine email, but was wondering if anyone else has received the same, also if it is genuine, is Mastercard Soft Decline "fine" applicable with the ClearAccept set up ?
Anyway I called WorldPay and spoke to three different "agents" non of whom had a clue what this is about, I assume it is a genuine email, but was wondering if anyone else has received the same, also if it is genuine, is Mastercard Soft Decline "fine" applicable with the ClearAccept set up ?
Mastercard Soft Decline Fine – Your action is required Dear Customer, Mastercard tracks how often eCommerce transactions are soft declined and not retried across the payment processing industry. This is to protect consumers and ensure merchants continue to meet Strong Customer Authentication (SCA) requirements in line with the Second Payment Services Directive (PSD2). All merchants in the UK and Europe must retry a minimum of 54% of their transactions that are soft declined - this is the acceptable threshold set by Mastercard. If your monthly non-retried soft decline rate falls below the Mastercard benchmark of 54% from November 2023, you may be charged a fine on your following months invoice. This fine will appear as ‘CARDSCHEME FINES’ on your invoice and it will be charged at Merchant ID level. If you become or remain compliant by correctly authenticating a minimum of 54% of the soft declines you experience, you will not be charged this fine. How do I recognise and respond to an SCA soft decline? A soft decline means that a card issuer cannot accept a transaction and wants your customer to fully authenticate it using the 3DS2 authentication service. By doing so you provide a better customer experience and remain compliant. If a transaction attempt is unsuccessful then you should fully authenticate the transaction using 3DS 2.2. For guidance on how to do this, please contact your Worldpay Support Representative. If you do not correctly retry above 54% of soft declines, then those transactions are deemed non-compliant, and you may be subject to the non-compliance fine from Mastercard. More information For further support please contact your Worldpay Support Representative or Relationship Manager. Worldpay from FIS |