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SagePay URLs will cease to work

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    SagePay URLs will cease to work

    Hello, I have received the following email from Opayo/Elavon this morning. Opayo were formerly SagePay and before that Protx.

    Following the updates earlier this year with the Opayo gateway becoming a payment product under the Elavon brand; we wanted to let you know about further exciting changes.

    Opayo has been a key member of the Elavon family for over three years now, and as we continue with the integration into Elavon we will soon make updates to the URLs you use for your transactions and reporting.

    What does this mean?
    The URLs you use to send transactions to Opayo will be changing to an Elavon domain and you need to make the changes to send your transactions to the updated URLs.

    These changes must be made by 31st March 2024, this is when the SagePay URLs will cease to work.

    We've already added these updated URL's to our Developer Hub to help you make the changes, you can find the URLs specific to your integration below:

    Pi integration
    Direct integration
    Form integration
    Server integration
    Shared API

    If you're using a shopping cart provider speak with them directly regarding this to make the relevant updates.

    Important information
    • The HTTP standard of all headers is lower case with the new URLs, be aware of this if you have specific code to look for case sensitivity.
    • We recommend using domain names instead of hard code, if you have hard-coded an IP address in your website or shopping cart you’ll need to update this also.
    • Flush DNS cache (local) or Internet Service Provider (ISP) may cache DNS records. In this case, you will need to speak directly with your ISP to ensure you have the most up-to-date DNS records.
    • You will need to ensure the new URLs are whitelisted and any firewall rules you have in place have been updated.
    • If you have implemented a content security policy you will also need to update this.
    As always, we recommend testing any changes you make in your testing environment before implementing them to production.

    Upgrade your protocol version
    When making these updates take this opportunity to upgrade to our latest protocol version.

    Following previous communications on 31st January 2024 we are retiring protocol version 2.22 and 2.23, this would be a great opportunity to upgrade to our latest protocol version ensuring your transaction are processed compliantly and you have access to all the latest features that Opayo have introduced.
    Does this suggest that transactions sent from Sellerdeck sites to Opayo for processing will fail after 31st March next year (without implementing new code), or am I reading too much into it? I am using SD 16.04.

    Thanks, Paul

    Does this suggest that transactions sent from Sellerdeck sites to Opayo for processing will fail after 31st March next year (without implementing new code)
    That's the way I would read it.

    From the look of it (and just regarding the change of URLs) I think you "might" just need to change line 73 in the file (at least that's where it is in the V18 file).


    $::PSP_HOST = "";


    $::PSP_HOST = "";

    (and also probably change the test sagepay url to the sandbox elavon one a couple of lines above in the same file).

    but I don't enough about which protocol sellerdeck are using and whether anything else needs to be added to the URL.

    EDIT: I've had a look at the Sagepay protocols and all the stuff after the URL looks the same as the new Elavon ones so I suspect my suggested changes above to the URL should work).

    There's also the issue of them retiring protocol versions 2.22 and 2.23 which might trip you up in January.


    First Tackle - Fly Fishing and Game Angling



      Thanks very much Mike.

      I spotted that line earlier and wondered if simply changing that url might suffice, but then there is a lot else in that perl file that gets sent which could potentially conflict. I have been on protocol 3.00 for a long time, so no worries there for me. I don’t know how many SD customers still use Opayo in one way or another, I imagine it’s quite a few but will have to wait to see if it’s enough for Sellerdeck to issue an authorised coding fix.


        I think all the other code in the relevant files is essentially handing the 'Protocol' so if you're already on a protocol that isn't being retired then I think you should be good to go with just the URL change.

        If it really is this simple then you'd imagine it wouldn't take much effort for Sellerdeck to issue an updated file implementing the change. But they are now owned by a competing payment service provider and may have business objectives that get in the way of this

        First Tackle - Fly Fishing and Game Angling



          This is interesting - NOT, we've all had awful changes that takes forever to do. I've not had an email about this as I'm with Opayo and on "Server"

          The only thing I found about this is on the link below and yet again, I have no idea what I'm or anyone else is supposed to do


            I've noticed the also includes the line

            $::PSP_LIB_URL = "/api/1.0/js/sagepay.js";

            and I wonder if this would also need to be changed accordingly?


              I have been struggling with this and this is where I have got to:

              Sellerdeck has stopped supporting Opayo so I am on my own trying to get the new urls to work - I have failed so far.

              There are, I believe, two scripts involved, both follow as txt files - and OCCUpgrade.ini

     is in the CommonOCC folder in the site folder and also in C:\Program Files (x86)\SellerDeck\Sellerdeck v18\OCCUpgrade\CommonOCC
              OCCUpgrade.ini is in C:\Program Files (x86)\Sellerdeck\Sellerdeck v18\OCCUpgrade

              Once changed close the software, do PSP UPgrade in Help, Troubleshooting, then reopen the software. Double check that the file in the CommonOCC in the site folder has changed

              I have changed the URLs in these files to the new ones:


              A client has tested and gets this error message:

              Status:MALFORMED 3055 : The CardType field is required.

              sagepay.js does not contain URLs but does have two references to 'cardIdentifier' so this might be relevant.
     has a line - 685 - $sSignature .= $hashResult->{'CardType'};

              Perhaps these need editing.

              Sellerdeck support are washing their hands of the issue which is really poor show and blatant protectionism in favour ot their new masters.

              I do not know where to go from here and would appreciate some help

              My Edited files attached as text files
              Attached Files
              Jonathan Chappell
              Website Designer
              SellerDeck Website Designer
              Actinic to SellerDeck upgrades
              Graphicz Limited -


                PS The page at

                Support Email the Opayo Support team for help with your debugging issues.
                and when you do you get this:

                This is the mail system at host
                I'm sorry to have to inform you that your message could not
                be delivered to one or more recipients. It's attached below.
                For further assistance, please send mail to postmaster.
                                   The mail system
                <>: host[] said: 554 5.7.1
                    <>: Relay access denied (in reply to RCPT TO command)
                We are being cast out into the wilderness...
                Jonathan Chappell
                Website Designer
                SellerDeck Website Designer
                Actinic to SellerDeck upgrades
                Graphicz Limited -


                  There is no need to make the changes just now.

                  Sellerdeck will provide a Knowledge Base article explaining how to change the URLs well before the deadline. I recommend you leave the scripts and configuration files as they are so as not to cause any site disruption.

                  Gordon Camley

                  3rd Line Support


                    Apparently once SD have discussed this in a dev meeting they’ll share their current position...
                    Jonathan Chappell
                    Website Designer
                    SellerDeck Website Designer
                    Actinic to SellerDeck upgrades
                    Graphicz Limited -


                      Hi Jonathan, thank you for providing your update. It does look considerably more complicated than I was predicting. It appears you are using VSP Direct integration(?), while I am on Server, so this in itself adds different levels of complication, not to mention the possible javascript alterations. I hope you and your client are able to get to the bottom of it. I was going to send an email to Opayo support this morning about it, but from your second message it seems that won’t help right now.

                      Which is why I was relieved to see your reply Gordon, that Sellerdeck are looking into it and will provide an update prior to the 31st March deadline. I imagine the testing on this will need to be quite thorough and comprehensive as it will need to cover different integrations (Form, Direct and Server) as well as different versions of the software perhaps going back to version 8.

                      Thank you for continuing to support this payment option as I know many customers including myself signed up initially due to recommendations given, even going back to Actinic and Protx days!


                        Hi All,

                        I can confirm that we will be releasing a script change to update the URLs for SagePay. This will be a separate file that you can apply to your current version, so no need for a new release and upgrade.

                        This will be tested with v16 and v18 sites and be available to all users.

                        We’ve already completed some testing and are confident it will be a smooth update, but we do need to complete further test. So we are aiming to make this available Jan 2024.

                        Thanks, Josh.
                        Josh Barling
                        CEO | Sellerdeck Ltd



                          Hi all, any update on this? Many thanks
                          Kind Regards Karen


                            From Hugh and Gordon at SD

                            Changes to Opayo URLs

                            In line with Elavon’s integration of Opayo, the URLs used by your Sellerdeck software to send transactions to Opayo will be changing to an Elavon domain. Therefore, in order to send your transactions to the updated URLs you will need to make changes to the software.
                            These changes must be made by 31st March 2024 to ensure continuation of the service.

                            How to upgrade URLs

                            There are two ways that this can be done: -

                            1. Updating the database directly using an SQL query
                            2. By changing the configuration and forcing a PSP Upgrade on each site

                            SQL Query Method

                            Microsoft Access Database
                            Open the database in Microsoft Access and run the following SQL query: -

                            UPDATE OCCProvider
                            SET ProviderURL = '',
                            DBProviderURL = ''
                            WHERE ID=22;

                            Close Microsoft Access, open your Sellerdeck software and upload the site.

                            MS SQL Database

                            Within your Sellerdeck software, go to ‘File | Sites | Configure’ and make a note of the name of the database, then close your Sellerdeck software.

                            Open ‘Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio’ and select 'New Query' from the toolbar.
                            Copy the 'SQL Query' below.

                            UPDATE OCCProvider
                            SET ProviderURL = '',
                            DBProviderURL = ''
                            WHERE ID=22;
                            Select the database that you made a note of earlier to run the query against, paste the query into the query window, and click 'Execute’.
                            Once you have done this, re-open the software and upload the site for the changes to appear online.

                            NOTE: When using this method, and you subsequently upgrade to a version of the software, prior to the latest version, you will need to run this SQL query again. Additionally, if the ‘Force PSP Upgrade’ procedure in ‘Help | Troubleshooting’ is run on the software, you will need to run the SQL query again.

                            Changing the software’s configuration

                            This procedure can be run on any version of Sellerdeck or Actinic ecommerce software.

                            Open the ‘OCCUpgrade’ folder in Windows Explorer. The folder can be found under the installation folder of any release but for v18 and v16 the folder would, by default, be: -

                            V18: C:\Program Files (x86)\Sellerdeck\Sellerdeck v18\OCCUpgrade
                            V16: C:\Program Files (x86)\Sellerdeck\SellerDeck 2016\OCCUpgrade

                            Locate the file: -


                            and open it in a plain text editor such as ‘Notepad’ (The text editor needs to have been opened as ‘Administrator’ or the file cannot be saved to the same location).

                            Scroll down the file and replace: -


                            Then replace: -

                            with: -

                            Then save the file and close it.

                            Open your Sellerdeck software and go to ‘Help | Troubleshooting’ and click the button ‘Force PSP Upgrade’.

                            Once you have done this, close your Sellerdeck software, then re-start it again for the upgrade to take place.

                            NOTE: For every additional site within your software, you will need to go to ‘Help | Troubleshooting’, click the button ‘Force PSP Upgrade’ close and re-start the software, to enable these sites to use the new URLs. As with the SQL method above, if you subsequently upgrade to a version of the software, prior to the latest version, then you will need to follow this procedure again.

                            Additionally, note that when this procedure is followed, it will revert the PSP Perl scripts in the site’s ‘CommonOCC’ folder to their default condition, so if a script has been customised you will need to take a copy of the script before upgrading and re-instate it afterwards.

                            Download pdf from Hugh and Gordon here >>>
                            Jonathan Chappell
                            Website Designer
                            SellerDeck Website Designer
                            Actinic to SellerDeck upgrades
                            Graphicz Limited -


                              How does SD v18.2.3 impact Elavon's integration of Opayo?
                              There was no mention of this in the KB link below:

