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Duplicate Content

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    Duplicate Content

    I have just had an enquiry off a possible client who provides 3 ways in which to shop for his products, with the master product duplicated into 2 other sections. This duplication is to counteract the lack of 'shop by brand', 'by price', 'by color' etc. you get from a database driven site. (he does wish to add a 4th shopping method also) Although a little time consuming when he creates products, duplicating things all over the place, it has worked well.

    Where it falls down is with regards to duplicate content, Google has not been happy with the site for a long time and we have just had a discussion on possible ways to improve things in this area. The obvious thing seems to be stopping Google from accessing certain pages leaving the products seen only once each. I imagine that using the 'nofollow' META TAG (where applicable) limiting just Google would be a good way to stop pages being indexed, you could make this easily switched on or off at section level.

    I can't help thinking that I am missing a trick here though, it may be with regards to how his SPP is setup, it currently uses one product per section, no extended info pages. Maybe this kind of setup should use products and extended info pages and all duplicates could all then just point to the one extended info page? I personally hate using extended info pages, but i can see it might be a way round this, you could effectively have 3 links on 3 different pages, all pointing to the one extended info page. I dislike that extended info pages do not have all the standard SEO hooks as standard though.

    Anyone else doing something similar and can possibly pass on some advice in this area? With many sites now showing multiple ways of shopping for products, I think this an area where some good solid sound advice would be useful for others in this situation. I am not sure what is best to be honest and I told him that, so i'd be interested in seeing what more experienced SEO folk think on the matter.

    Were thinking of introducing a similar thing but didn't want to use extended info pages either.

    Our solution - though we haven't implemented it yet is to:
    1. have a product with a single paragraph of description.
    2. Build the rest of the single-product-page with fragments.
    3. duplicate the product to multi-product-pages spread through the site so that customers can shop in whatever way suits them
    4. create a user variable that contains the url for a read more link to be displayed in all the duplicate products that goes through to the single product page.
    5. pass through a fake breadcrumb trail to be displayed using clientside scripting.
    This means that you can allow Google to index the whole site because you won't have duplicate content because:
    1. The multi-product pages will have other products on them too (and lots of sites just have picture and name showing, which could be used to avoid problem entirely).
    2. We can alter paragraph descriptions in the duplicates to go after different keywords at a more general level.
    Wayne Theisinger

    The Web's just settling in. We got the tech, now let's put up something that matters.


      Hmmmm Time i pulled up my chair and watch. Sorry i dont have anything to add but it has me interested


        We operate this system on a "as close as you can get" to one product per page system without actually fully going that way.

        What we do is have duplicates, but as mentioned above they link to an extended info page so there is only one page with that content on.

        Our extended info page was completely stripped out and a brochure page pasted in with the product layout to the centre.

        For seo we use Full Description variable placed in to the Meta description and use a bit of code that turns the short description in to keywords so that "Red Ford Escort Turbo Diesel" reads as Red,Ford,Escort,Turbo,Diesel.

        For an example have a look at the source code of this page that has been added today. And all SEO was automatically done within Actinic. Tianguis Jackson Leaf Set

        Works quite well on a site with 3000 products which is just too large for us to properly turn into a one page par product layout.

        Its not a perfect set up but it does work quite well.



          well, however the solution, i think the problem wont go away.

          even if you were to have a 'products can appear in multiple sections' notion, then you'd still have duplicate content.

          take a look at some other sites with shop by brand. dont they also have a similr problem? regardless of fatutures, if you have clever mecnanisms or not, you're still making duplicates, of the same data on different pages.

          my suggestion?

          use a different template on brand duped products. and re-write the description, or at the very least, shorten it with some php. permute it in such a way that its different enough


            OK So gabe being a man who understands all this stuff, is then possible to create various layouts all containing the master product with its full description. Then using something, php maybe i dont know enough, to use various parts from this description, thus only showing these bits

            I dont know if its possible to have code to select various paragraphs, or wether you can put markers in so it can select the sections of text you want it to.

            As i said i dont fully understand this side of coding but this would then surely reduce the possibility of duplicate content. But then what do i know


              ..let me have a think about it.


                You done thinking yet


                  yes, i am, and my solution works well, in my test cases.

                  What i propose is this:
                  Instead of a section with a duplicate linking to a page with a duplicate on it, why don't you turn the links in the section, to links to the original.

                  This would mean that:
                  - ONLY single product per page people could use this idea
                  - Duplicates never get bought.
                  - Sections with duplicates are orphaned, since they no longer have links to them.

                  You'd have to find a way to remove content in those sections, to avoid the duplicate content from being spidered when your sitemap is crawled, etc. i'd suggest putting the sections in your no fly zone for google sitemaps too.

                  enough talk, here is the code:

                  PHP Code:
                  <a href="
                  <actinic:block if="
                  %3cactinic%3avariable%20name%3d%22ContainsSingleDuplicateProduct%22%20%2f%3e%20%3d%3d%20true" >
                      <actinic:block php="
                  true" >
                  $SectRef = "<actinic:variable name="SectionID" encoding="perl" selectable="false" />";
                  $SectRef." ";
                  $text = "";
                  $ProductReference = "";
                  $connect = odbc_pconnect("ActinicCatalog8","","", SQL_CUR_USE_ODBC);
                  $query = "SELECT TOP 1 [Product Reference],[Short descriptionFROM [productWHERE [nParentSectionID]=".$SectRef;
                  $result = odbc_exec($connect$query);
                  $ProductReference =  odbc_result($result, 1);
                  $text =  odbc_result($result, 2);
                      if (isset(
                  $ProductReference)) { 
                  $pos = strrpos($ProductReference, "!");
                          if (
                  $pos === false) { // note: three equal signs
                              //we dont actually need anything here
                          } else {
                               //echo "
                  has duplicates";
                  $originalproduct = explode("!",$ProductReference);
                              //this part gets the parent section Id of the page where the original is held
                  $connect = odbc_pconnect("ActinicCatalog8","","", SQL_CUR_USE_ODBC);
                  $query = "SELECT [nParentSectionIDFROM [productWHERE [Product Reference]='".$originalproduct[1]."'";
                  $result = odbc_exec($connect$query);
                  $nParentSectionID =  odbc_result($result, 1);
                              //echo " 
                              //this part gets the url of the parent section, of that product
                  $connect = odbc_pconnect("ActinicCatalog8","","", SQL_CUR_USE_ODBC);
                  $query = "SELECT [sPageName], [nSectionID]  FROM [Catalog sectionWHERE [nSectionID]={$nParentSectionID}";
                  $result = odbc_exec($connect$query);
                  $sPageName =  odbc_result($result, 1);


                  <actinic:block if="
                  %3cactinic%3avariable%20name%3d%22ContainsSingleDuplicateProduct%22%20%2f%3e%20%3d%3d%20false" >
                      <actinic:block if="
                  %3cactinic%3avariable%20name%3d%22IsLoginPageSuppressed%22%20%2f%3e%20AND%0d%3cactinic%3avariable%20name%3d%22UnregCustomersAreNotAllowed%22%20%2f%3e" ><actinic:variable name="SectionPageName" /></actinic:block><actinic:block if="%28%3cactinic%3avariable%20name%3d%22IsLoginPageSuppressed%22%20%2f%3e%20%3d%3d%20false%29%20OR%0d%28%3cactinic%3avariable%20name%3d%22UnregCustomersAreNotAllowed%22%20%2f%3e%20%3d%3d%20false%29" ><actinic:variable name="SectionURL" /></actinic:block>    
                  target="_self"><actinic:variable name="SectionName" /></a
                  in this example, i created a variable called: 'ContainsSingleDuplicateProduct' settable at the section level, that turns the feature on and off.

                  this code block makes a link, so you should put it where yout link would be. if ContainsSingleDuplicateProduct is turned off, then the normal link takes place.

                  Here's the catch. This will only work for single product per section catalogs, and it'll only work if there is a single duplicate product inside the section you use the code in. If there is, this script will hijack the link and send it to the original product.

                  sadly, this script is without support, since i just knocked it up to illustrate a point.

                  have fun though!


                    here it is working:
                    notice the section: 'test'

                    in reality, it should point here (a duplicate):

                    this is a duplicate of this:

                    in the example, i have made it so that the header takes you to the hijacked page, and the 'more info' takes you to the original page with a duplicate.


                      What took you so long

                      OK still trying to get my head around it though. Perhaps sunday afternoon when im full of food and beer is not the time to be looking at.

                      Nice work Gabe - Take this big gold star and wear it proudly, you have earned it


                        Genuis Gabe... I've been wondering recently whether this sort of thing would be possible, but didn't know where to begin with regards implementing it...

                        I've spent most of the afternoon trying to incorporate it on a site of mine, but have hit a few stumbling blocks. Will keep you guys posted on my progress...

                        Many thanks again Gabe, you're ACE

                        Army Gore-tex
                        Winter Climbing Mitts
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                          Just finished adding image linking to my short listings pages eg . Normal more... link but images also link to SPP.


                            My stomach's grumbling now since seeing those hampers again.


                              since seeing those hampers again
                              Yep its Christmas AGAIN and Santas got his sack out.

