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BT Web Clicks

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    BT Web Clicks


    Just would like to know
    If anyone has used BT Web Clicks service

    OR has any of you clients ?

    Just spent 2 hours with 2 of there sales team
    giving me this and that,
    BUT at £1 per click seems EXTREAMLY high.
    All the promises and granatess, just dont seem to add up.

    just a bit of back ground i have two web sites both have good Organic / natural high listings in google

    Very very very expensive IMO.


      wow you up late
      how are you btw ? been a while

      Its not the price i fell over with, that was just a stuble
      it was the 2 hours of hard sell, and lies ( you taught me too well )
      If my guys sold as hard as they do i be rich.


        Hi Adrian
        I didn't realize it was you. It's just another example of big business expanding into areas they know nothing about and using car salesman tactics to get customers. Anyway you are no1 on google so you don't need crap like this.

        Happy Christmas


          Originally posted by RuralWeb View Post
          Hi Adrian
          Anyway you are no1 on google so you don't need crap like this.

          have good Christmas


            Bt Web Clicks

            BT Web Clicks - proving to be an absolute nightmare! Steer clear! pricing seems to depend on whatever they can get out of you. Web design a joke - just a standard template and choose your colour. Support - virtually non-existent. paperwork co9ntaining rubbish duplicated and sent almost daily. as for the 'clicks' - in three weeks - none! BT living up to it's usual standards - so sorry I fell for it again.


              Originally posted by Nailsea View Post
              BT Web Clicks - proving to be an absolute nightmare! Steer clear! pricing seems to depend on whatever they can get out of you. Web design a joke - just a standard template and choose your colour. Support - virtually non-existent. paperwork co9ntaining rubbish duplicated and sent almost daily. as for the 'clicks' - in three weeks - none! BT living up to it's usual standards - so sorry I fell for it again.
              Nice spam, I like it Why don't you save the effort to post this on Aces Fun Casinos site?



                My experience has been:

                They're way too expensive for what you get (compared to other similar services). They use unjustified and unaccountable search engine distribution. As they found it harder to compete in Google's domain, they began focussing almost entirely on Yahoo which isn't a good sample - Google's market share has actually increased over Yahoo in 2009. The provided uneven monthly distribution, so our ad had spates of frantic appearances up until about half way through the month at which point it disappears. I know this because the ad report that you can view online showed me exactly how erratic and unfocussed BT released the "impressions".

                Typically with BT, the customer service is appalling, I had to search myself for the right number to call - there are two separate BT Webclick businesses online who operate independently which is confusing, but the one I wanted don't have a web presence so finding them is hard. They didn't send me a contract (even though I was contracted to them for a year) and their number doesn't even appear on the control panel online.

                When you try and change details, they ignore it, until you hound them and then they eventually change it to what they think your business needs. I know what my business needs, so don't try and tell me what you think my business needs.

                Then they tell you that you don't know what you're talking about! Well, it's true that I didn't used to know what I was talking about until I had to research it just to could get what I paid for. I'm sure the customer doesn't really need to know about PPC and impressions and optimization and search engine market share. I need to run my business.
                Last edited by cbarling; 08-Jun-2009, 02:03 PM. Reason: Forum guidelines


                  I think a moderator needs to have a look at this (possibly) libellous rant (post #8) ....
                  The Pretty Dress Company


                    Mick if you click the red warning triangle on the post you are concerned about you can report it. I have done this


                      Thanks, the post has actually been reported a couple of times now. I've made some small edits as this is a business forum and the forum guidelines request a friendly tone.

                      Hopefully, the content is unchanged - everyone is entitled to their own opinion and everyone's experience is exactly that - what they have experienced.




                        Sorry if my tone wasn't appropriate, but it was certainly not libelous (ok, maybe the racist thing was). Aside from that though, I'm completely free to report my experiences with BT Webclicks. That was after all the point of this thread wasn't it?

                        As a conclusion however: my opinion is that if you don't want to hand control of your online advertising to a bunch of desperate, incompetent thieves with absolutely no business acumen or common sense, then stay away from BT Webclicks. They're also very sexist.

