When you search for 'Scottish Gifts' we come up on the first page, however when you search for 'gifts from Scotland' we are nowhere to be found.
Both phrases were in the meta description but until recently not in the meta keywords. Is this the reason we don't show up, I was under the impression that meta keywords were no longer important. Both phrases show up in the description of the site on Google.
Does anybody have an explanation as to why we don't show up on 'gifts from Scotland' as we are missing out on a huge amount of traffic by not doing so.
Both phrases were in the meta description but until recently not in the meta keywords. Is this the reason we don't show up, I was under the impression that meta keywords were no longer important. Both phrases show up in the description of the site on Google.
Does anybody have an explanation as to why we don't show up on 'gifts from Scotland' as we are missing out on a huge amount of traffic by not doing so.