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Critique welcome

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    Critique welcome

    Obviously cannot ask for this in the showcase thread, so hope no one objects to this thread. still in development

    Any critique welcome.


    Michael Borrow
    Kind regards,


    I'm finding it a bit hard to critique as it's not clear to what you're aiming for with the site.

    - From a new visitors perspective I find it a bit light on 'content'. It's not saying much about what you're selling, why I should buy it and why I should buy from you. You could be the west end's first choice for printing or the goto place for am-drams but there's nothing on your site that really says who you are.

    - From a purely visual perspective it looks quite nice and clean. I think the 'photobooks', etc images look a bit unprofessional as I'd assume you're not really selling these as ring bound products.

    - From an SEO perspective there's not enough content and the use of images rather than text in your links isn't doing you any favours.

    - From a functional perspective. The free price on the laser printing looked odd until I selected some options and there's a weird double cart displaying when I tried to buy one. Not sure what's causing that. Having to register before you can add to cart is odd and saying 'contact us for photobook info' after clicking through to the page is just wasting people's time.

    As I said at the start though. It all depends on what you're trying to achieve.


    First Tackle - Fly Fishing and Game Angling



      Mike's pretty much covered it there, only things I can add is that perhaps the site would benefit from a background image, only something subtle but enough to make the page look a little less clinical!

      Also there's a typo on the second section - "pogrammes"

      On a positive note, your mega menu has been utilized well, very neat!

      - Suzy
      Flooring Sales Ltd
      Flooring Sales Ltd - Wood and Laminate Flooring Company
      Hadlow Flooring
      Herga Flooring

