My web site is really in two halves, the original site and a shop using Actinic. It's confusing for customers and difficult to maintain so I have decided to move everything to the Actinic system.
At the moment I have content about the same subject on both. For instance on the old site
and the equivalent on Actinic
To achieve this I am augmenting the text on the Actinic side and then using 301 redirects in .htaccess such as this
Redirect 301 /angelconfetti.htm /acatalog/angelconfetti.html
All was well until I tried to redirect index.htm to the actinic index.html
Redirect 301 /index.htm /acatalog/index.html
It didn't work because if you look for
it doesn't redirect and is still is the home page of the old site.
But it seems to have done something as if you try
you get a corrupted page
Ther Actinic home page it was intended to redirect to is this
I've removed the redirect from .htaccess but it's too late as it remains and I understand it is now permanent.
Can anyone help me sort out the mess I've created? I'm assuming it is the redirect making this problem or could that be a red herring? It occurred to me that I could rename the original homepage index.html (not htm as it is now) - would that cause the redirect that seems to be causing the problem to have no effect?
At the moment I have content about the same subject on both. For instance on the old site
and the equivalent on Actinic
To achieve this I am augmenting the text on the Actinic side and then using 301 redirects in .htaccess such as this
Redirect 301 /angelconfetti.htm /acatalog/angelconfetti.html
All was well until I tried to redirect index.htm to the actinic index.html
Redirect 301 /index.htm /acatalog/index.html
It didn't work because if you look for
it doesn't redirect and is still is the home page of the old site.
But it seems to have done something as if you try
you get a corrupted page
Ther Actinic home page it was intended to redirect to is this
I've removed the redirect from .htaccess but it's too late as it remains and I understand it is now permanent.
Can anyone help me sort out the mess I've created? I'm assuming it is the redirect making this problem or could that be a red herring? It occurred to me that I could rename the original homepage index.html (not htm as it is now) - would that cause the redirect that seems to be causing the problem to have no effect?