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Multiple delivery options for different products

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    Multiple delivery options for different products


    I hope someone here can tell me if this is possible or point me in the direction of any other posts that answer a similar thing – I’ve trawled through lots of posts on here but haven’t seen it yet!

    My client supplies products from a number of manufacturers – the products will be shipped in nearly all cases directly by the manufacturers to the customers.

    There will be three shipping bands based on total value of the order – under £50, £50 to £350 and Over £350.

    We need to have 3 shipping options with different costs associated for each of the above bands – Normal 5 Working Day Delivery, Next Day Delivery, Saturday Delivery.

    Now to the problem. For most products the manufacturers can do Next Day Delivery / Saturday Delivery but some will only offer the standard 5 working day delivery for their products.

    Can I get it so that, by product, we can select which delivery options are available?

    This probably gets too complicated but ideally it would only allow Next Day Delivery to be selected by the customer if all the products they are purchasing allow Next Day Delivery.

    I’ve tried using Categories and all the options I can find under by weight / by value etc but it’s now starting to drive me mad – do you think this is possible or should I go back to the client and get them to re-think their delivery charges?

    We're using v9.

    Thanks in advance.

    I have requested this feature more than once, excluding products from certain shipping options.

    I only managed to find one way around it, not quite as complex as shipping from various manufacturers. I basically set it up by weight. the items that could go via a certain method had a lower weight than the ones that could go by all methods.

    this is working on this site

    this product is to large for RM 1st class

    but this product is ok

    try adding to basket and checking out to see the delivery option is RM, then add and you see it changes.

    now the small kite can go by all methods, but the large one can not.

    perhaps you can work this into what you require


