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Shipping - How to add a 'collect' option as well as regular pnp

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    Shipping - How to add a 'collect' option as well as regular pnp

    Sorry - im new - so please bear with me.........

    Using Catalogue V9.

    My website is very new, only been up a week, so ive been inputting products all week, now just getting round to the postage options and vouchers.

    I supply to lots of 'friends' who of course dont want to pay postage as they pick items up from my house, but they are reluctant to shop 'online' as there is a postal charge so they get confused and cancel their cart, and then just email me what they want.

    How do i set up a 'collect' option (for my friends/local customers) as well as a weight defined postal charge (which is currently running ok).

    Ive played and battled with it and just about to give up - someone please point me in the right direction

    Lorna - for everything equestrian

    The website description of the methods you offer can be decided upon by you, so choose a payment method such as 'by cheque' and rename it accordingly.


      but if they choose to pay 'by cheque' their invoice will still have postage on it, and they wont then pay for their order because it will be too high.

      do i not need an additional postage option, not another payment option?
      Lorna - for everything equestrian


        i found this thread - its for v7 but still might apply. it creates a separate shipping destination to use for pickups and assigns zero charge

        Before youtry this take a backup snapshot and put it somewhere safe, thus you can mess the poroposed solution and if it doesn't do what you want you can reimport your backup. Nothing lost.


          Sorry yes, i was talking out of my rectum and getting payment methods confused with shipping. An extra shipping option would need to be added, although it will be there for all to choose from if they want to try and avoid costs.


            Originally posted by leehack View Post
            ...i was talking out of my rectum...
            True to your avatar then Lee.


              Indeed Duncan, rather apt, some would say (ok most would) i do on most days anyway.


                ok - thats cool, but can you talk me through how to do this in very lamen terms.

                Ive got a mental block now .....
       - for everything equestrian


                  Best to read the inbuilt help on shipping first, it's very good. You need to add a new class to your existing zone or zones. A right click on an existing one offers the option.


                    ok - think i have done that and seem to be getting nowhere. will have another go - patience isnt a virtue of mine - deep breaths girly!
           - for everything equestrian


                      Buyer Collects

                      Settings > Business Settings > Shipping & Handling (Tab) > Zone / Class Tables (Tab)

                      Dependent upon style chosen but most use Zone & Class, add a new "CLASS" of shipping under the "ZONE" which will have the member country, most likely your UK option from the sounds of things, in this new "CLASS" tick the Free Shipping and Display at Bottom of List radio options, call it what you like for example Buyer Collects and save it...

                      Job done, any shopper in the Zone (i.e. The Country) you have defined will get offered a Buyer Collects option in the last shipping choice of the dropdown at checkout with free shipping.

