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South Africa asking for a "state/province" but none set up!

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    South Africa asking for a "state/province" but none set up!

    I recently added South Africa to our list of shipping locations and, for some reason, I can't get an order to go through using it.

    The error says "Please select a state/province for South Africa" but under "Locations" there are none set up. (where USA and Canada have their states/provinces showing on the right hand side)
    There are none showing here and there are also none showing in Business Settings > Shipping settings (where USA and Canada have a little plus sign with their states/provinces)

    Is there anything else that could be making Actinic think that SA needs a state/province? I certainly can't find anything.
    On testing, I have also found the United Arab Emirates gives the same error.

    I guess I could add states/provinces (or whatever) for each of these but, point is, I can't find where Actinic is looking to think it needs them??

    Anyone have any ideas?


    Have you altered any of the layouts related to the delivery country, as would have been instructed when applying this knowledgebase article: Can I hide the 'States' list unless someone selects USA/Canada from the country drop-down?

    I think the layout that controls it might be the "Delivery Country List"
    Last edited by KB2; 22-Mar-2010, 12:28 PM. Reason: Updating kb links
    Darren Guppy
    Golf Tee Warehouse
    Golf Tees and Golf Accessories.


      Thanks, if I'd done that though, surely it'd affect the USA and Canada which DO have states set up and are working correctly.

      AFAICS, only SA and UAE appear not to be working and these are both recently added shipping countries for us.

      I'm trying to think if I'd added any others recently (to test) but don't think I have.
      I just can't work out where Actinic is getting the "this country needs a state" information from, in Actinic itself.

      [editted to answer question] No, I haven't altered any layouts regarding this.


        Are the country codes for those two countries correct in 'Settings | Locations' they should be ZA and AE.
        Darren Guppy
        Golf Tee Warehouse
        Golf Tees and Golf Accessories.


          Go to Settings | Locations and select 'South Africa' to check if there are any States set-up in the right hand pane, because AFAIK if any states are associated with a country then the message will appear requesting a state me selected.

          EDIT: Ignore this post, I have just re-read the original post and see you have already stated that no states are set-up against these countries.

          I am therefore out of ideas, other than the usual compacting of databases, etc.
          Darren Guppy
          Golf Tee Warehouse
          Golf Tees and Golf Accessories.


            Originally posted by Golf Tee Warehouse View Post
            Are the country codes for those two countries correct in 'Settings | Locations' they should be ZA and AE.
            They are, yes.

            I've compacted (well, it compacts every time it closes and as my computer currently needs rebooted at least 4 times a day, it gets compacted often LOL) and it apparently made no difference (I'm uploading regularly too)

            Guess I could try a refresh but, tbh, I'm not hopeful, May have to contact support tomorrow (as usual...on a Friday )


              It's a pain in the arse error message which gives no clue as to what the actual problem is, andyway the problem is i think that you have not added South Africa to a tax zone within the software.

              You need to go to ‘Settings | Business Settings | Tax’ and select the appropriate zone (‘EU Tax Zone’, ‘UK Tax Zone’ or ‘No Tax Levied’ depending on the tax treatment to be given) click the ‘Edit Zone’ button.

              Scroll down the right hand ‘Available Regions’ window and locate South Africa and click the < button to transfer them into the ‘Zone Members’ window and click ‘OK’. Then click ‘OK’ to close the ‘Tax’ window.

              Once you have uploaded the above regions will work correctly.


                ah, that's possible!
                lemme check!!


                  Holy Crap, spot on, Mr Attic

                  I owe you one!!!


                    Adding South Africa will give you plenty more problems, nothing Actinic can do to save you that hassle though!
                    Football Heaven

                    For all kinds of football souvenirs and memorabilia.


                      Originally posted by george View Post
                      Adding South Africa will give you plenty more problems, nothing Actinic can do to save you that hassle though!
                      I know. We've only added it for a particular customer then it's getting removed again. (would have been easier, in hindsight, to just tel them to select a different country and we'd change it with tippex on the invoice LOL)


                        Any country where anti-carjacking flamethrowers are legal is a country I don't want to be shipping to:Anti-carjacking device

                        Perhaps that's an new addition to your Jesters Trick Bits site.
                        Darren Guppy
                        Golf Tee Warehouse
                        Golf Tees and Golf Accessories.


                          i am sure you have already considered this, but make sure you are not liable for loss if the delivery fails...

                          I've lost count of the stuff i've sent to my family in SA that has never arrived.


                            Thanks Jo. I'll make sure the compensation covers the cost, in that case (we usually do but not always)

