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UK not included in shipping dropdown

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    UK not included in shipping dropdown

    I have set up a Zone/Class Configuration to the UK, and two separate areas for the Euro Zone, including only the countries my client wishes to deliver to.


    The system is set up on weight and appears to be working correctly.

    The problem appears when, having purchased an article, and on going to the Checkout to complete the purchasing process, the drop-down doesn't include the UK. If I then check the Deliver to a different address - it does include the UK tab.

    Has anyone got any ideas of what is happening, please?

    I've included a screen-shot of the Shipping setup.
    Attached Files
    Location: North Yorkshire UK

    You have 3 places in the software to tie this area up:

    settings > locations

    business settings > shipping (check members of zones)

    business settings > tax

    Make sure thay all tie up and it will work. i'm guessing at you having some screwed up tax rules, or UK missing from the zone in shipping.



      Thanks for your input.

      Settings - location UK is still present although I have deleted some countries my client has absolutely no interest in delivering to.

      Business Settings > shipping Only has three zones - EU area split into two zones and third zone UK only. (See my screenshot)

      Business Settings > tax

      Three zones -

      1. EU Tax Zone which includes all the countries I have under the two zones in shipping, above.
      2. UK tx zone which only has included the United Kingdom
      3. No tax levied - None of the above.

      Not sure where to go from here!
      Location: North Yorkshire UK


        Although I had the UK listed in the Zone/Class tables as shown in my earlier graphic, it did not appear in the list under the Payment and Security tab - Configure Valid Locations. I have now included it in this position and it appears to be OK now.

        Could someone else kindly test it for me, please?
        Although the site is temporarily connected to Worldpay, it is in test mode so there should be no transactions completed!!

        Thanks in advance.
        Location: North Yorkshire UK

