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Shipping cost related to UK postcode

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    Shipping cost related to UK postcode

    Can anybody help.

    I have Actinic V11 and would like to vary my delivery costs in relation to the customers postcode area. Can this be done? Idealy I want it based on the first few digits of a UK postcode i.e. BS2 of PE12 etc.

    Any advice would be greatfully accepted.



    We use 4 zones to cover the uk, user selected, not automatic but that seems to work ok. This is as much to ensure the right shipping service is selected as to vary the price. From a customers point of view is good to have the shipping as obvious as possible. too many variations wouldn't be customer friendly.


      Not possible I'm afraid.


        I only need 3 different prices.

        1 for local
        2 for the rest of the UK exc Highlands and Islands
        3 for Highlands and Islands

        Governed by Post codes being added to each section.

        All of the courier companies can do this why is it missing from Actinic??


          Originally posted by N14elx View Post
          All of the courier companies can do this why is it missing from Actinic??
          ...because Actinic is an Ecommerce application and not a specific shipping/courier application.

          We did implement a version of this some time ago where the user entered their postcode early and this then auto-selected the shipping "zone" from the zones in Actinic. This worked, to a point, however we did not carry this development through into more recent versions.

          Ironically this "missing feature" actually enables a much greater degree of customisation and control in the checkout within Actinic, as you are able to create shipping rules independent of postcodes.
          Probably not the answer you wanted however......

          You can easily set it up to have the 3 zones you require, it's just your customers will have to select this from the drop-down in the checkout instead of it auto-selecting upon postcode entry.
          Fergus Weir - teclan ltd
          Ecommerce Digital Marketing

          SellerDeck Responsive Web Design

          SellerDeck Hosting
          SellerDeck Digital Marketing


            if you're only delivering to the UK i think you have a choice of 3 ways:

            1) set up your 3 options as 3 new countries. each will have identical tax settings etc. You can then have a different shipping for each new county.

            This is the method i use.

            the next two aren't methods i use but i'm fairly sure it's close enough to give you a start.

            2) You can add states to the existing UK, each of these has it's own shipping.

            3) You only ship to the UK and you have three shipping options available for everyone and they choose at the checkout which applies to them. This is the easiest to set up but would also show the prices for the other locations so you may find some people are tempted to select the wrong one.

            I think you'll find people know if they are in the highlands or not and most people are actually honest enough to select the right option.

            I think you might just be over thinking it a bit


              Thanks for the advice I'll give them a try

