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VAT Post Brexit Transition Period End

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    We had decided to prevent incoming EU orders from our pre-Christmas closure date until our return to work in January so that we don't have any orders outstanding that have invalid VAT details - this appeared to be easy enough & I though it could be done simply by removing the relevant shipping services over the period, but (isn't there always);

    PayPal Express transactions will allow an order to complete when no shipping service is available (SD-8338), so I'm figuring that the above method won't work if Express is used as the payment method. Next thought was that the contries involved would have to be temporarily tweaked in tax settings, but I haven't had the head space to figure or test if this will work as expected with Express - don't suppose anyone know or if there is an alternative work around?
    Air Tech Equipment Ltd - Online Airbrush, Craft & Graphics equipment supplier


      I did not know of SD-8338... that's disturbing... I thought the customer was returned back to the site and has to select a shipping method...

      Ultimately, when we leave with no deal, I assume : Business Settings > Tax > Select EU Tax Zone > Edit > Empty out the "zone members"

      07/01/21 : edit : we did not empty out the zone members... kept them in, and created a new VAT code called "EU VAT (0%)" and assgined it to the EU members zone.


        Originally posted by guccij View Post
        Am getting an error on trying to print the new EU packing list: ODBC error: system resource exceeded.
        I haven't encountered this error...

        This did happen though... all sites updated fine except one... and it had 1 of the 3 new variables added (2 missing were the CoO and EORI)...
        so followed the instructions for v14 to manually create them... - I notice for the CoO part, the image on the instructions does not show the Top Level Value as "United Kingdom" instructed in step 22 in the text... but I don't think this was absolutely neccessary

        Ok the update was not completely flawless on all sites now...

        The 1 site that only had 1 variable added (TradeTariffCode) - the Initial Value was blank... so changed to "Use Parent ()"...
        Checking the other sites... they all have that field blank... so all products on all sites has that field as blank...

        Is there a way to force an update to the products on change of variable setting?
        - otherwise, use parent was a good idea... but doesn't work... I have to manually enter/change that field.

        If someone frequently uses the sellerdeck import/export feature... can you advise your steps... I feel that I avoid using those functions because I had problems in the past... this might the the quicker way to update 1,000's of items...

        So I thought of delete and re-add the TradeTariffCode...
        Cannot find how to delete, so just renamed accordingly, unticked the place of settings so it doesn't show up.
        Re-created, and works.

        Temporary all items on one tariff code is working.

        The field for the Tariff code on both the EU reports are clearly was spaced for 6 digits... so that will need adjusting...

        Weights... we sell with qty by weight... but Sellerdeck only uses whole numbers... so we add an adjustment to account for the difference... however... with the EU docs... the weight column/total weight that shows are not correct... can Sellerdeck add weight for the adjustment function?


          Originally posted by zgap111 View Post
          Is there a way to force an update to the products on change of variable setting?
          Yes -

          1) edit the variable and untick all Place Of Setting option.
          2) Click OK to save the variable
          3) edit the variable and set Initial Value and Top Level Value to what you want it to be
          4) Click OK to save the variable
          5) edit the variable and tick the required Places Of Setting options
          6) Click OK to save the variable

          Note - this will change ALL products and sections etc that are set in Places Of Setting

          Elysium:Online - Official Accredited SellerDeck Partner
          SellerDeck Design, Build, Hosting & Promotion
          Based in rural Northants


            Thanks Goz



              Now it has been confirmed that we do not charge vat to anywhere outside of the UK, I am having a right job, trying to get the invoice to display vat as £0.00 . Am I missing something here?

              As soon as you do any type of zero tax, it just removes the tax section from the invoice.

              The powers that be, are saying that we have to display the vat figure.

              The EU invoice is working ok apart from this.

              Dave O'Neill
              O'Neill Vintage Ford


                Thanks for the post... I didn't realise it would be zero VAT with/without that deal...

                I've tried and can't get the nil VAT showing either...
                - I thought it happens because the "none of the above" option has no actual VAT code... so I didn't move any EU countries in the list, but created a new VAT called EU VAT (0%) and tested to see if there was an assigned code that it would show... but it didn't.

                So... I assume it's the *.rpt file itself that needs an edit


                  Trouble is, Martin, like yourself, we also suspended EU ordering over Christmas, but came in yesterday to get these reinstated, only to find this issue.

                  I might for now, use the text line that you can add to an invoice, (Terms and conditions / Remittance Terms) to at least make the statement that "All orders from outside the UK are subject to vat at £0.00"

                  That might satisfy customs for the time being, as I am hoping there will be some leniency at the beginning.

                  Dave O'Neill
                  O'Neill Vintage Ford


                    Yes - that's worth considering.

                    I am also considering posting a notice to advise EU customer that packages from the UK will now have customs declarations (CN22/23) attached and may be subject to import VAT and administration charges in the receiving country that could cause delays with delivery.



                      [QUOTE=DJO;n553446]Guys Now it has been confirmed that we do not charge vat to anywhere outside of the UK /QUOTE]

                      Bit late to all of this, BUT can you tell me where you got this info from ? as most Gov websites are not so clear on this ??


                        Loads on info on the web about it and Josh confirmed it on page 1 of this post.

                        Dave O'Neill
                        O'Neill Vintage Ford


                          Originally posted by DJO View Post
                          Loads on info on the web about it and Josh confirmed it on page 1 of this post.

                          Yes spent quite a bit of time today looking, speaking with the accountant and other business owners and its not clear, not even HMRC are clear about it. That is why i was asking if you had a link.


                            Originally posted by PJ ENG View Post

                            Yes spent quite a bit of time today looking, speaking with the accountant and other business owners and its not clear, not even HMRC are clear about it. That is why i was asking if you had a link.
                            Please see the link below for latest HMRC Guidance:


                            This was updated on 31 December 2020.
                            Prior to this date the guidance for VAT on Exports stated ".... you do not charge VAT if goods are exported from Great Britain to a destination outside the UK and EU



                              Another problem occurs with Moving the EU Countries tax treatment. On historical orders within the database (already invoiced). If you go in to look at a previos order Sellerdeck then zeros the previous 20% VAT Rate and puts the order back into pending with excess payment received. This then adjusts sales analysis. Is there any way on orders to lock the VAT rate at the time they were placed as this can cause a problem with sales figures.


                                Originally posted by Mantra View Post

                                Please see the link below for latest HMRC Guidance:


                                This was updated on 31 December 2020.
                                Prior to this date the guidance for VAT on Exports stated ".... you do not charge VAT if goods are exported from Great Britain to a destination outside the UK and EU

                                Thanks for this, i have read that along with a whole host of other stuff, sort of got a handle on it. I was going down a rabbit hole of registering for Vat in other country's but think that is not what i need to do at the moment.

