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Can't upload to any domain

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    Can't upload to any domain

    Could someone tell me what "The wizard received an error while verifying the web server. Error sending request" means.

    I get this on the network setup wizard on all domains (I have 3) that I try to upload to.

    Many thanks

    I would guess it's saying that it can't get a response from the web server. Have you got a firewall that might be stopping actinic from accessing the internet?


    First Tackle - Fly Fishing and Game Angling



      I've now tried on 3 different pc's. No firewall, no packet filtering but the only common denominator is the adsl router. Checked the router and there is abolutley nothing.
      I presume actinic uses port 80 for http and 21 for ftp. When I enter the website URL, I can see a http connection establish to my domain ip adress.

      Getting seriously fed up with Actinic - and I'm trialing it in view to buying the developer version.


        If you are trialing Actinic, you could use our free hosting to test Actinic whilst you iron out your connection difficulties.

        You can register for our trial hosting at where you will get instructions on converting your copy of Actinic so it uploads to our servers. That's all via HTTP so it should hopefully bypass the problems you are having.


          Many thanks for the reply and sorry for the red faces. Was in a bad mood and had to blame someone and cannot blame us All looking good now

