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Advanced network setting smtp

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    Advanced network setting smtp

    I have been spending considerable time trying to get the settings right for uploading my site and email, and have managed to get all accepted, apparently, except the email. I have tried my host's stated smtp, which I am currently using for email, I have also tried omitting the auth. and omitting both auth. and smtp., and All of these bring up the error message -
    The computer you specified as your mail server is not a valid mail (SMTP) server. Check the computer name or address and try again. If it fails again, then it is possible, you were locked out by a firewall program, or you don't have network connection to this server.
    I am not being locked out by a firewall program. Any suggestions?


    Use a Command Prompt to try to telnet to it on port 25.

    E.g. Using XP's command prompt.

    telnet 25

    That will simply let you know if there's an SMTP server (of any flavour) listening. You should get a 200 ish message back. E.g. 1&1 (telnet 25)
    replies with:-

    220 ESMTP Thu, 02 Dec 2004 23:54:04 +0100

    Use "quit" to exit if you do get connected.
    Norman -
    Edinburgh, U K / Bitez, Turkey


      Thanks but doesn't help

      Thank you Norman. However, from what I understand, I am NOT trying to setup mail going from my computer (this has to go out using as I have Freeserve broadband and they do not allow anything else) - Outlook is setup with freeserve outgoing. I am trying to setup mail going from my server to customers and myself, not going out through my internet connection. The settings that are used for this, according to my host, and which are successfully used for sending and receiving email online (webmail) are I have tried various versions of this in my Actinic network settings all with the same error message.

      I followed your instructions anyway, failed with the oneandone/1and1 attempt and got a freeserve error message to contact freeserve, and succeeded with telnet 25, as would have been expected.



        Try using 'localhost'. It seems to work for some other oneandone customers.

        There are a bunch of previous threads where the various options have been discussed. A search will help yopu find them.


        First Tackle - Fly Fishing and Game Angling



          Tried that

          Hi Mike and thanks. However, I had already tried localhost, smtp.localhost, auth.smtp.localhost to no avail, having already searched this forum for previous threads. I shall have another look through the forum in case I missed anything.



            JUST USE localhost no smtp.
            Owner of a broken heart


              Problem Solved

              I have solved the problem - partly from reading your replies and past threads, partly by trial and error:

              I entered smtp as (not 1and1)
              and unchecked the user name and password (this suggestion I read in past thread). It is this unchecking of user name and password that made it work, as I had tried previously.

              Please note, for anybody else with this problem with 1and1/oneandone, localhost did not work.

              I am surprised that my user name and password were not needed, because I have to have these when sending/receiving email online (webmail).



                It seems that (on Linux versions - I don't know about Windows servers there) is quite happy to accept unauthenticated outgoing mail as long as it comes from a server WITHIN the oneandone system.

                I've never tried (had) to use the authentication but it should work assuming you've got an e-mail account with oneandone as you can then use the pop username and password for that account.
                Norman -
                Edinburgh, U K / Bitez, Turkey


                  I'm having terrible problems with this same issue! It doesn't matter what I put in the SMTP box in the Advanced Network setup window, I just get the same old error message upon testing of

                  "The computer you specified as your mail server is not a valid mail (SMTP) server. Check the computer name or address and try again. If it fails again, then it is possible, you were locked out by a firewall program, or you don't have network connection to this server."

                  I use as my web hosting service and everything else works fine (except SSL, but that's a task for another time). I just can't get Actinic to accept my e-mail settings. I've also tried connecting to my normal BT e-mail using, however this doesn't work either What on earth am I supposed to put in these damn boxes????
                  Using SellerDeck 2013 Business Plus

                  KTEC Group

                  Label Printer & Barcode Systems



                    Look at thread and at the bottom you'll see
                    Just to say I have resolved the issue, it turned out to be some new anti-spam software that my ISP (Verio) had installed which was affecting outgoing mail as well, they have issued me with a new smtp address this am and all seems ok again
                    PS I found this by searching for "verio smtp".
                    Norman -
                    Edinburgh, U K / Bitez, Turkey


                      Originally posted by saucysal
                      I entered smtp as (not 1and1)
                      and unchecked the user name and password (this suggestion I read in past thread). It is this unchecking of user name and password that made it work, as I had tried previously.

                      Please note, for anybody else with this problem with 1and1/oneandone, localhost did not work.
                      I had exactly the same mail problem with 1&1 (oneandone) and it worked!

                      First time I've consulted the board and I get a fix - thanks!


                        Same problem here !

                        Well I have the self-same SMTP problems. I am hosted with Awell and just had a long chat with him and he fiddled about but I still get the same issues with the SMTP "connection refused". I can ping it, I tried speaking to Actinic Tech Support who said that they couldn't Telnet to my mail server (my hosting guy laughed a lot at the suggestion that all and sundry could Telnet into his mail server), so now we are stumped.
                        Is it somehow possible to change the "Contact Us" routine so that it fires up the visitor's own e-mail client, rather than trying to send it direct to our mail server via Actinic ?


                          Is it somehow possible to change the "Contact Us" routine
                          At least three ways.

                          1) Edit Act_Primary.html and replace



                          <!--NETQUOTEVAR:NAVBMAIL--><a href="">Contact Us</a>

                          You'll have to change the Contact Us bit to match your navigation.

                          2) Edit Act_ContactUs.html and comment out nearly everything and stick a message in there along with a maulto link as above.

                          In both cases you may want to change the to some bit of JavaScript that obfuscates your e-mail address to prevent spammers being able to harvest it off all your web pages.

                          3) If your server supplies a mail form script (most do) then use it in the body of Act_ContactUs.html after commenting out all the Actinic stuff.
                          Norman -
                          Edinburgh, U K / Bitez, Turkey


                            Hi all

                            I’m having the same problem on 1 and 1 which I see a few of you have resolved. and it all seems to be about unchecking the password box. Can some one tell me where this setting is?



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