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File Locations for SSL

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    File Locations for SSL

    Actinic doesn't seem to want to upload to an acatalog directory in my secure folder. The locations on the server are as follows:

    \docroot\acatalog\ (http:\\)
    \secure\acatalog\ (https:\\)

    I have the cgi scripts writing to the docroot and secure folders. Actinic happily writes to the \docroot, docroot\acatalog and \secure directory but will not write anything to the \secure\acatalog directory. I have copied the gif files from the unsecure \acatalog directory to the secure directory and that seems to solve the problem.

    Could someone please tell me what files are required in the \secure\acatalog directory as I'm just guessing at the moment.


    Mark (hopefully not being too confusing)

    Hi there

    Actinic needs the ssl to be a symbolic link between the secure /acatalog/ folder and the insecure /acatalog/ folder. What this means, is that anything that gets uploaded to the insecure /acatalog/ should be seen in the secure /acatalog/

    Thats why actinic is not uploading any information into the secure part.

    Kind Regards
    Nadeem Rasool
    SellerDeck Development


      Code to create Symbolic Link in *nix (re: SSL separate directories)

      To create a symbolic link, the syntax at the command is similar to a copy or move command: existing file first, destination file second. For example, to link the directory /docroot/acatalog to /secure/acatalog for easy access, use:

      ln -s /docroot/acatalog /secure/acatalog

      The easiest way of doing this is go into the /secure directory. Then type in the command ln -s /docroot/acatalog acatalog

      This ofcourse creates in symbolic link and you will see the same content from https:\\*\acatalog as http:\\*\acatalog

      Important. Set the permissions (chmod), group (chgrp) and ownership (chown) on the acatalog link to the webserver, etc.

      Michael Coutinho
      Lead Developer | Sure Solutions:
      Michael Coutinho
      Lead Developer | <a href="">Sure Solutions:</a>

