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CGI probs

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    CGI probs

    I am feeling very frustrated.

    After having problems uploading actinic with my old hosting company I switched to another who had more exp with actinic.

    Only prob is im getting the same probs here and we are all confuzzled - have checked my server settings - they are correct.

    these are a list of the errors:

    When I upload the cat,

    Error accessing the cgi-bin.

    Possible Cause:
    The directory does not exist on the remote server
    The permissions on the directory on the
    remote server are locked
    The wrong Path to the CGI-BIN is specified in your
    web site details in
    the Business Settings
    Run the Web | Configure Web Site Details command to verify your setup
    Create the cgi-bin directory on the remote server
    Correct the permissions on the cgi-bin directory on
    the remote server

    When I test the network settings and click OK:

    Unable to move to the cgi-bin directory "/htdocs/cgi-bin/" on the FTP server.
    The specified directory does not exist or you do not have access to the directory.

    When I test the website. order onlone and try to go to check out:

    CGI Error
    The specified CGI application misbehaved by not returning a complete set of HTTP headers. The headers it did return are:

    Can't open perl script "e:\sslroot\dvdwriters\cgi-bin\": No such file or directory

    So if Im having the exact same problem why is this:
    surely is this not a fault within my actinic software.

    Really am in desperation now.....................

    Thanks Jasmine

    These were the original host ftp details

    cat url:
    cgi-bin url:
    codebase: ./
    path from cgi-cat: ../www/acatalog/

    ftp (standard and ssl)
    user: ***
    pass: **
    path2cgi: /cgi-bin/

    cat url:
    cgi-bin url:
    codebase: ./
    path from cgi-cat: ../www/acatalog/

    use passive: yes
    cgi scrip ID: 1 ext: .pl

    These are the new host details:

    cat url:
    cgi-bin url:
    codebase: ./
    path from cgi-cat: ../acatalog/

    ftp (standard)
    user: ***
    pass: **
    path2cgi: /htdocs/cgi-bin/

    ftp (ssl)
    user: ***
    pass: **
    path2cgi: /htdocs/cgi-bin/

    cat url:
    cgi-bin url:
    codebase: ./
    path from cgi-cat: ../acatalog/

    use passive: yes
    cgi scrip ID: 1 ext: .pl


      Would really appreciate a reply from someone in actinic support seeing as this seems to be the only way to get any help.... im not a very happy customer.

      thanks jasmine


        Hi there

        If you needs Actinic Tech Support, then you could simply register an email support on

        Look at your secure ssl, it looks like you are using Fasthost. The reason why i say this, is because of the following url:
        I'm afraid to say Fasthost will not work with SSL, we have tried with other client on setting up a store with SSL and non ssl and we could not get it to work. We need the secure /acatalog/ folder to have a symbolic link with the insecure /acatalog/ folder. What this means is that anything you put in the insecure /acatalog/ folder, you should see in the secure /acatalog/ folder.

        Kind Regards
        Nadeem Rasool
        SellerDeck Development


          It might be useful to put something about this into the knowledge base.


          First Tackle - Fly Fishing and Game Angling



            Hi Mike,

            An KB article regards to Fasthost, or the symbolic link?

            Jasmine: Forgot to mention, if you want to use Fasthost SSL, then you need to make the whole site in SSL. You cannot use split SSL.

            Kind Regards
            Nadeem Rasool
            SellerDeck Development


              I meant this bit:

              I'm afraid to say Fasthost will not work with SSL
              Now you're saying it will work if the whole site is SSL, but either way if there's a known problem with certain hosts it would make sense to put the information in the knowledge base so people can find out before they sign up with a web host.


              First Tackle - Fly Fishing and Game Angling



                Hi Nadeem,

                OK one question - why is it then that actinic didnt work with Nildram either - i had the same fault/problem?
                Interestingly the original site used Actinic v3 cat and worked just fine - it was only when i upgraded it to 7 that i had problems.
                Nildram's SSL server was unix and was a folder within the ftp space (secure).
                Fasthosts SSL server is NT.
                So there is a difference in the set up - but the SAME problem. Strange.
                The only reason i switched host was because Nildram were not very helpful and i fell out with them and Fasthosts had more exp with actinic.

                I spoke to Fasthosts and they said that they have other clients using the same set up as myself successfully - they couldnt be sure of what version they were using or the exact details of how they managed this - but not one member of the technical team had heard of the problem that you have diagnosed.

                Sooooooooooooooo - anymore Fasthosts clients out there care to comment.

                I am starting to frazzle around the ears....

                Nadeem - I am going to try your suggestion putting the whole site on SSL - see if that works..




                  Hi there

                  With v3, it could not do split ssl. You had to upload it all to a secure site. To check this, you will see a https next to CGI-Bin url in "View | Preferences | Network", once SSL is turned on.

                  There was no option to specifiy two /acatalog/ folder.

                  Nadeem - I am going to try your suggestion putting the whole site on SSL - see if that works..
                  Please do, it should work, it has for past clients.

                  Kind Regards
                  Nadeem Rasool
                  SellerDeck Development


                    Hi, I had some of the problems which you experienced. Here are my settings:

                    cat url:
                    cgi-bin url:
                    codebase: ./
                    path from cgi-cat: ./acatalog/

                    ftp (standard)
                    host: Here I put actual IP address
                    user: ***
                    pass: **
                    Path to CGI-Bin: ./html/cgi-bin/
                    Path from CGI-Bin to acatalog as viewed...: ../acatalog/ <<note this one

                    Use passive transfers: not selected

                    Common Settings:

                    CGI Script ID: 1 Extension: .pl

                    Ignore Passive Transfer Errors: Selected


                    cat url:
                    cgi-bin url:
                    codebase: ./
                    path from cgi-cat: ../html/acatalog/

                    ftp (standard)
                    host: Here I put actual IP address
                    user: ***
                    pass: **
                    Path to CGI-Bin: ./secure_html/cgi-bin/

                    Path from CGI-Bin to acatalog as viewed...: blank

                    Use passive transfers: not selected

                    Hope some of this helps.



                      Originally posted by Nadeem
                      Hi Mike,

                      An KB article regards to Fasthost, or the symbolic link?

                      Jasmine: Forgot to mention, if you want to use Fasthost SSL, then you need to make the whole site in SSL. You cannot use split SSL.

                      Kind Regards
                      Hi Mike

                      I am having the same problem as Jasmine and getting the same error message. My host is and I am using cuteFTP as the client.

                      How do I create a cgi-bin directory and acatalog directory in cuteFTP.

                      I have spent days and many hours trying to work this out with very little success and now becoming very confused and frustrated.

                      I would apprieciate if anybody can help me.

                      Kind regards Percival


                        Hi Percival,

                        Taking a quick look at your site, it looks to me as if you've somehow uploaded your preview page to the website. I'm not sure why that's happended as the normal procedure is to get actinic to upload the site for you.

                        Have you run the network setup wizard in Actinic and if so did it run all the way through or give any error messages?

                        To create a cgi-bin for your site, you'll need to ftp into your site and there should be a button in your ftp client somewhere that will be called 'create new folder' or something similar.

                        I don't know the network settings for 123 reg, but they were host europe/webfusion before becoming part of Pipex, so you could try the settings here:



                        First Tackle - Fly Fishing and Game Angling



                          Originally posted by olderscot
                          Hi Percival,

                          Taking a quick look at your site, it looks to me as if you've somehow uploaded your preview page to the website. I'm not sure why that's happended as the normal procedure is to get actinic to upload the site for you.

                          Have you run the network setup wizard in Actinic and if so did it run all the way through or give any error messages?

                          To create a cgi-bin for your site, you'll need to ftp into your site and there should be a button in your ftp client somewhere that will be called 'create new folder' or something similar.

                          I don't know the network settings for 123 reg, but they were host europe/webfusion before becoming part of Pipex, so you could try the settings here:



                          Hi Mike

                          I'll try what you have mentioned and let you know the how I got on.

                          Thanks Percival


                            Originally posted by percival Knight
                            Hi Mike

                            I'll try what you have mentioned and let you know the how I got on.

                            Thanks Percival

                            Hi Mike

                            I tried the test mode in the Advance Network Setup and the error message that I am getting is:

                            "Actinic received a server error from the web server. The CGI sripts are not executing properly on the server. Run Web|Configure Web Site Details... to review your web site configuration".

                            So when I run the Wizard, the error message I now get is:

                            "An error accurred while atempting to change the permission of a file or directory. There was a failure connecting to the FTP Server in an attempt to execute a FTP chmod command. The connection wizard will not continue".

                            The Connection Wizard stops at 'Perl Installation'.

                            Then I get another error message saying:

                            "The web root path must be set".

                            I have set up two directories in my FTP Client called : cgi-bin and acatalog.

                            I have enter the setting for my Actinic store to be uploaded to my web server, which I got from Actinic support.

                            And still no success. Any help would be appreciated.

                            Regards Percival


                              Hi there

                              The CGI sripts are not executing properly
                              You need to also set the permissions to the /cgi-bin/ folder and /acatalog/. In CuteFTP you right click on one of these folder and select "CHMOD".
                              The permission for /cgi-bin/ should be 755 and the /acatalog/ should be 777.
                              Please note, these are UNIX Permission, if you are running an Windows server, then the permission should be:

                              Read and Execute

                              For both the folders.

                              Kind Regards
                              Nadeem Rasool
                              SellerDeck Development

