I have been running a site for over a year now and we are upgrading webservers here, so of course before we disconnect the old kit I am creating the websites on the new boxes so I can just plug them into the network and away we go, zero downtime (I hope!).
Anyway, today was the day to change Actinic machines, so I installed linux/apache/etc as I usually do, created the same user/group (for the web user id and apache), created the same directory structure as exists on my current server, and proceeded to start uploading my site.
However, I am getting errors with cgi/pl scripts (no matter what they are called) due to permissions. I am sure this is an apache issue, I just don't get why, with the same httpd.conf file as on my live server, it is failing. Maybe I had to do something to get apache to like the cgi scripts last year but I can't remember doing so. The error is exactly the same as the 7th reply on this post: http://community.actinic.com/showthr...highlight=0644
I have chmodded my cgi-bin to 755 (even 777), but the scripts are always 644 when Actinic starts sending them. The 'Web | Configure Web Site Details' wizard allows me to get to the part where I tell it my CGI-BIN and web root directories, I press 'Next' and it fails everytime. The dirs are owned by the same user/group that apache runs as, and the I am using that user to send the files with Actinic. As soon as I start the test process (via the wizard or from 'Advanced | Network Setup') a file is sent - ActinicTest...cgi something - I refresh the CGI-BIN dir and sure enough, it's being sent with the wrong permissions.
Strange thing is, I have a test box on my desk and everything works fine on that - comparing the httpd.conf's reveals no glaring flaws, but the machine accepts scripts without a problem.
I'm stumped... anyone have any ideas?
Just a few edits:
Using 'Advanced | Network Setup' and performing a 'Test', I get...
Actinic Ecommerce received an request forbidden error from the web server. The server is not properly configured to allow Actinic Ecommerce to run CGI scripts from the cgi-bin. Run Web | Configure Web Site Details... to review your web site configuration.
I hit 'Ok' and ...
The test script failed to execute on the web server. The error could be caused by several things. Check the path to the Perl shell, the CGI script extension, the path to CGI-BIN, and the CGI-BIN URL. This error could also occur if your web site is out of disk space or your web server is not configured to accept POSTs to CGI scripts.
I have been running a site for over a year now and we are upgrading webservers here, so of course before we disconnect the old kit I am creating the websites on the new boxes so I can just plug them into the network and away we go, zero downtime (I hope!).
Anyway, today was the day to change Actinic machines, so I installed linux/apache/etc as I usually do, created the same user/group (for the web user id and apache), created the same directory structure as exists on my current server, and proceeded to start uploading my site.
However, I am getting errors with cgi/pl scripts (no matter what they are called) due to permissions. I am sure this is an apache issue, I just don't get why, with the same httpd.conf file as on my live server, it is failing. Maybe I had to do something to get apache to like the cgi scripts last year but I can't remember doing so. The error is exactly the same as the 7th reply on this post: http://community.actinic.com/showthr...highlight=0644
I have chmodded my cgi-bin to 755 (even 777), but the scripts are always 644 when Actinic starts sending them. The 'Web | Configure Web Site Details' wizard allows me to get to the part where I tell it my CGI-BIN and web root directories, I press 'Next' and it fails everytime. The dirs are owned by the same user/group that apache runs as, and the I am using that user to send the files with Actinic. As soon as I start the test process (via the wizard or from 'Advanced | Network Setup') a file is sent - ActinicTest...cgi something - I refresh the CGI-BIN dir and sure enough, it's being sent with the wrong permissions.
Strange thing is, I have a test box on my desk and everything works fine on that - comparing the httpd.conf's reveals no glaring flaws, but the machine accepts scripts without a problem.
I'm stumped... anyone have any ideas?

Just a few edits:
Using 'Advanced | Network Setup' and performing a 'Test', I get...
Actinic Ecommerce received an request forbidden error from the web server. The server is not properly configured to allow Actinic Ecommerce to run CGI scripts from the cgi-bin. Run Web | Configure Web Site Details... to review your web site configuration.
I hit 'Ok' and ...
The test script failed to execute on the web server. The error could be caused by several things. Check the path to the Perl shell, the CGI script extension, the path to CGI-BIN, and the CGI-BIN URL. This error could also occur if your web site is out of disk space or your web server is not configured to accept POSTs to CGI scripts.