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Parameter Incorrect - Error

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    Parameter Incorrect - Error


    I've looked through all the suggestions in this forum but none appear to have corrected the problem.

    I've tested the network settings and all appear to be fine however it wont allow me to upload the site, and I eventually get an error message stating the parameter is incorrect.

    I'm using Developer v 7.03 and all my other sites are working fine - any suggestions?

    By the way not using enhanced ftp.


    Best Regards - for all your Healthy Chocolate Needs - yes I did say 'Healthy Chocolate' - for a range of natural health and wellness products - for Forever Living's Aloe Vera Products

    Hi Linda

    Are you getting this error message when you try the Web | Refresh website aswell?

    A few things to try out...

    1/Go to Advanced | Network setup, and select 'Use enhanced FTP', then try the upload again.

    2/If you dont get any joy with that, try going to Help | Troubleshooting | Website purge and refresh, and select both the checkboxes there, and then clcik pruge and refresh.

    3/If that still has no affect, try going to Housekeeping | Security | Compact databases, select both Shipping and catalog... this will close down Actinic, when you re-open it try the refresh again.


      Still no joy


      I've tried all steps 1-3.

      When trying step 2 I only receive the egg timer flashing on and off and nothing happens.

      Step 3 - I've compacted the databases and re-opened Actinic but site will not allow me to upload or refresh

      Any ideas???

      I've also taken a snapshot and reloaded this as a new site but the same thing happens.

      Thanks for your help

      Best Regards - for all your Healthy Chocolate Needs - yes I did say 'Healthy Chocolate' - for a range of natural health and wellness products - for Forever Living's Aloe Vera Products


        Step 3 - I've compacted the databases and re-opened Actinic but site will not allow me to upload or refresh
        What does it allow you to do?

        Have you tried going into Advanced | Network setup, and select 'use passive ftp transfers'.


          It allows me to do nothing - Help please


          Even if I press enhanced ftp it still wont do anything, and if I uncheck it it still wont do anything.

          Any help is appreciated.

          Best Regards
 - for all your Healthy Chocolate Needs - yes I did say 'Healthy Chocolate'
 - for a range of natural health and wellness products
 - for Forever Living's Aloe Vera Products


            In that case I would suggest you register a support query here so you can send in you're site snapshot.


              Hi Linda,

              Are you trying to upload to our trials server?


                Hi Tracey.

                I'm trying to use Web Fusion - all testing of network settings has worked correctly - I've registered a support query.


                Best Regards
       - for all your Healthy Chocolate Needs - yes I did say 'Healthy Chocolate'
       - for a range of natural health and wellness products
       - for Forever Living's Aloe Vera Products


                  Weird things with refresh

                  Hello Linda,

                  Unfortunately I do not know the solution to your problem, but I had the same problem this morning with V7.03 (just catalog, not business, not developper) so I wanted to share the information (that may perhaps help)

                  I had a live V4 site at and I wanted to upgrade my site in order to have a live V7 site, but when I tried to refresh nothing happened and I also had the "Parameter Incorrect" error message.

                  Previously I had tried the V7 shop on another of our site (I use it to make live tests for the shop) and everything worked fine. This morning before I tried to upgrade I changed the network settings for the shop to run on (the test run ok), then I got the error when I tried to refresh.

                  The weird thing is :
                  Before trying to refresh, but after changing the network setting, I had made a copy of the ActinicCatalog.mdb file on my computer.
                  A few days ago I had installed V7 on another computer (we use it to download orders). On this second computer I had not changed the network settings (it was still configured to run on
                  This morning (after trying to make a refresh from my computer) I replaced the ActinicCatalog.mdb file on this computer by the copy of ActinicCatalog.mdb file from my computer. Then I tried to refresh the site from this second computer and it worked

                  After having succefully refreshed my site from this second computer I copied all the files (more precisely the files that had been modified today) from the site1 directory of this second computer and pasted them in the site1 directory of my computer and then I was able to refresh or update from my own computer.

                  So my guess would be that V7.03 does not like when one changes the network settings.
                  User of Actinic since V3 and living on the French riviera

