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SSL Locks Up on my site

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    SSL Locks Up on my site

    The SSL locks up on my site on a fairly regular basis and I have no idea why. Does anyone else have this problem? It is not a shared SSL - might that be a better option for me?

    I'm using the latest update of v7, and only have the checkout and login portions running under SSL. The remainder of the site works fine, but when anyone goes to check out (or if I type in a https prefix for any page of the site, I get an error message that the connection was refused. Switching to the built in security allows orders to be placed but of course, it looks like it's insecure to the customer so many will be reluctant to place orders.

    The site is

    Hi there

    The site seemed to bounce over fine for me to ssl, I got to the stage of entering my address while in https... could go any further as I dont now what zip codes go with what state.

    At what point is it that it locks up for you?


      Yes, we have it working again.

      This has been an ongoing problem for us though. Each time it happens I have to call the company hosting the site and they have had to reset it as the software has hung.

      Out of frustration, I suggested that they write a small program to monitor the SSL by pinging an SSL page every 15 minutes then automatically resetting it if there is no response. This seemed to have patched the problem (though I'm sure I'll still lose a sale or two almost each time it happens) but this weekend it locked up and was not caught and/or reset, so the site was down for nearly the entire weekend.

      The non SSL portions of the site are not affected.

      The frequency of hanging prior to the monitoring routine has been erratic, but probably once per day to once or twice per week.


        May be worth looking into taking the payments a different way then, if the host keeps getting this problem?

        Maybe they could move you to another server? Or you could change the way you take payments together, like a payment service provider like Paypal, or use Actinic shared ssl, or even switch to another hosting companies ssl...

        Just a couple of ideas, as you shouldnt be getting the service going down as often as that.


          use hosts there ssl is good

