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Still have loading problems

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    Still have loading problems

    When I try To up date my website this message appears. Does anyone know how to fix this.

    Possible Cause:
    Network timed out
    Network is down
    FTP server is down
    Remote server disk is full
    The permissions on the file or directory on the remote
    server are locked
    If the file being sent is a CGI script
    ( or someone else may be
    using the same CGI script ID as you.
    Re-establish your network connection
    Be sure the FTP server is running
    Try re-installing the web site when the network is not so busy
    Make sure the disk is not full on the remote server
    Make sure the website and cgi-bin directories
    on the remote server are writable
    Make sure the files in the cgi-bin and website are writable
    Make sure your CGI script ID in the Advanced |
    Network Setup... dialog is unique for your web server.


    Hiya m8
    dunno if i can help but it looks like its a problem with the host webserver or could be with your isp, the timing out part at least.

    I dont know if you have your own cg-bin or are sharing, I use own cgi-bin for each site so cant comment on possible sharing issues, but I have had error messages stopping me from checking network connections and/or updating the website because i was already logged in more than once !

    Some hosts will let you log in only once , sometimes twice at any one time, I get a full page as an error message which is a standard message generated by the server which doesnt exactly help.

    My solution was too wait 10 minutes till any connections I had with the server timed out so I could log back in again and update the website. So in a nutshell I cant be logged in with an ftp client to upload other pages or files at the same time I use Actinic to connect and update the catalog files

    Assuming the directories all have the proper read or write permissions set this is only thing I can think of that may help, while I wait on a script error that I have being sorted.


      Loading website

      I'm not sharing so no issues there. I have tried to load when I first log in and still get the error. On the catalog when you go to order this message comes up.

      The specified CGI application misbehaved by not returning a complete set of HTTP headers. The headers it did return are:

      syntax error at e:\domains\\user\htdocs\cgi-bin\ line 1172, near "ACTINIC:"
      BEGIN not safe after errors--compilation aborted at e:\domains\\user\htdocs\cgi-bin\ line 1191.

      I have tried loading this site to another ftp address and the error still occurs so I think its my end and not the site end thats the problem.


        When you click the 'Test' button in 'Advanced | Network Setup' what happens? What error message do you get?

        Also, check the permissions on the server. Details about what they should be are online at

        Also, try putting


        in your 'Path from CGI-Bin to acatalog directory' field in your network settings as NT servers sometimes execute Perl files in the root of the web server.


          Sending problems

          I have found the problem. It was the isdn line settings. The box for enable data compression had not been ticked once I did that it all worked straight away. That's why the tests were working and the sending data wasn't. Thanks for all the help.

