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Changing hosts

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    Changing hosts


    We've been hosting our site on a relatively small local host for a year or so now, but we've realised they are charging us a fortune. We are currently looking for a new host which can provide a good service at a more reasonable price. I have two questions which I hope someone can answer for me:

    1. Can you reccomend a good host? We were thinking of going for a Demon account. We need around 15Gb bandwidth and about 100mb webspace.

    2. How easy is it to migrate our site to a new host? Simply a matter of changing the host details in Actinic and re-uploading?

    Many thanks in advance.

    In answer to question 1 there are several threads relating to Actinic hosting including some good services and packages from regular contributors on this forum - a quick search will throw them up.

    In my experience migrating depends largely on the exisiting host and their ability to release all the various tags and settings so the world at large can find you on the new site (removing zone tags is an issue if you are still going to dial up through your old host) - but largely the migration usually needs no changes in Actinic if you are keeping the same domain name - some minor changes may be needed if moving from say a Windows server to a Unix with paths to cgi-bins etc.

    SellerDeck Designs and Responsive Themes


      Thanks. I did a search and have contacted Pinbrook who have given me a very competitive price and seemed very nice as well


        Yep - I have heard good things about them and their Actinic sites are very professional so if you get into any difficulties they are sure to help you out

        SellerDeck Designs and Responsive Themes

