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New to Actinic

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    New to Actinic


    I am reletively new to Actinic and have recently started working for a company that has used Actinic to power its web site for years. (

    Basically I have been asked to look in to completely redesigning the web site around the data that we currently have. I am a competant designer and from looking at the help files I feel that with the correct research I should be able to design a new template.

    I was wondering if any of you has any tips that you would be willing to share with a newbie, any problems that you encountered and resolved, any useful resources, any tips, any ways of doin things that are easier/quicker etc etc

    Your feedback would be greatly appreciated.

    Thanks in advance,

    Ben Parsons

    Hi Ben, welcome to the site.

    It would be worth downloading the Design Guide and Advanced User Guide from the main Actinic site as there is a wealth of info in there as to modifying the ACT templates. If you get stuck then try searching on here as it is likely someone else has experienced a similar issue and been resolved one way or another.

    If you have DreamWeaver the Actinic plug-in makes finding Actinic codes much easier to track down.

    Just looking at the existing site (based on a standard Actinic theme) it does take a lot of clicking to get to some of the product so it may be worth looking at how the section tree is set out. If you have v7 the ability to use duplicate products in different sections should be of interest to your site.

    SellerDeck Designs and Responsive Themes

