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    Hi Guys,

    I've had Actinic running through Norton Internet Security of FastHosts servers for months with no issues. Last uploaded on Monday...

    Then today, same error and solution as you have described above. I think the latest download from Norton has caused this problem. typical!


      We are having real upload problems similar to what has been reported - we are doing a website for a client (their host is Dataflame) and everything has to be published into a "public_html" folder for it to work properly. The last site we did for a different client uploaded onto the server without any problems as it went straight onto the root, not a seperate folder.

      We're struggling with the field settings in Actinic to publish the files correctly. At one point the actinic folder was appearing outside of public_html so the web pages didnt work. Then sometimes it was creating the Actinic folder within cgi-bin - which is wrong too.

      And sometimes when we test the network settings it doesnt like the pathways we attribute to it and gives an error message.

      These are the network setup fields which we cant get right:

      Path from CGI-Bin to acatalog directory:
      Path to CGI-Bin:

      We're not sure what to put in here. We know that it all has to go into the public_html folder on the server and we know the cgi-bin url is:

      It's continually messing up - can anyone help or give pointers? Many Thanks.

