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Thank you and please have a look...

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    Thank you and please have a look...


    A few of you have helped me out, (you know who you are) on my way to building my website, So I'd like to say a big thanks to you all.

    If anyone is interested, I'd appreciate some feedback on the completed site. I'm using Audiostore. After many iterations, I have launched today for real. I'd like some initial thoughts from the Actinic community...people in the know so to speak.

    I have some ideas for the future, (open to suggestions from you lot as well) so no doubt I'll be lurking around the site somewhere for the forseeable future..




    I spent a few minutes on the site and to be honest I couldn't work out what you are selling. Well I gathered you were selling a positive mind tool - but what is that?

    a book, a tape, a CD ?

    In my view you need more info ie pictures not text on the front page, people need to be hit with a sledgehammer when they arrive at your site or they will go away.

    Positive thinking, positive attitude, positive outlook, call it what you like. If you need to develop one, we can help.

    A positive mind tool™ is a combination of, hypnosis induction, positive affirmations and frequency specific binaural beats.

    Morning noon or night, use your positive mind tool™ once a day and begin to experiance the benefits after just a few sessions.

    Positive - Measured or moving forward or in a direction of increase or progress.
    Mind - The faculty of thinking, reasoning, and applying knowledge.
    Tool - Something used in the performance of an operation; an instrument.

    Positive thinking, positive attitude, positive outlook, call it what you like. We can help you develop it.
    this is your description of the tool but there's nothing tangable and I'm none the wiser.


      Hi Johnny,

      A unique set of products and quite interesting. However, Jo's got a point. I first looked for a hot link on your main page to get into your store then saw the 'Browse the Mind Tool Store'. You might want to think about making the 'Whats in store panel' (top left) a hot link to the store.

      Ok so you got me, had to make a purchase to see if this stuff works (watched a couple of Paul McKenna shows recently!). I'll let you know.

      Couple of other points.
      1. Perhaps you should state that the site is more suited to people with a Broadband connection as a 30MB+ download would take a while, although still very practicable.

      2. When I paid for my life changing purchase and was redirected back to your site I was looking for what to do next to effect the download. My email system is set to collect every 10 mins and I was just about to email you when your receipt & download instructions popped up in my mail. Might be a good idea to explain a little more about the delivery logistics.

      Everything worked well and I have launched my first mind altering session. Interestingly, when your MP3 program stopped playing my PC immediately ran into a batch of my favourite MP3 tracks (I thought that was real neat of you to arrange that but it must be some setting on my player application). Since I like melodic relaxing music it sort of worked real well ........ yes, I'm still feeling warm!

      Good luck with the site.





        Pinbrook/ Delboy,

        Fantastic...thank you both for your feedback. You've been very helpful and confirmed some of my fears, (ouch).

        Normally hypnosis, subliminal or binaural beats recordings, (mind tools in the industry) are sold via tape (less common now) or CD and with DVD for visual products. There are reletively few companies who supply downloads. Downloads are where I'm heading.

        Pinbrook your comments about the pictures I totally agree with. The text assumes a lot i.e. you are familiar with mind tools. More about hypnosis on the front page as well as the seperate page may capture the imagination of the particular market I'm aiming, (and give them a clue about what they are looking at).

        Obviously with the Tape/CD/DVD market the presentation of the product is up there as one of the most important considerations due to the packaging aspect. It helps support the marketing of the site also if this is a medium where they are sold. Instant pictures if you like.

        With the download market I think I need to appy the same rules used to market the Tape/CD/DVD to the individual download itself as well as the site. I've been more focussed maybe too focussed on the production of the product than the marketing aspect, (oh dear). So yes photos are a must and I think I'll also put something on the site, (picture) that specifically shows a zip file is what you get. I do have a 'What you get' page but I'll give that a re think.

        The zip file includes a hypnosis/ binaural beats recording and a text file on how to use the mind tool. To replace the text file, I'm looking at supplying an html file on how to use the hypnosis recording. This html file will cunningly link back to the site etc. So more marketing in the plan going forward.

        Delboy I'll look at the hot link thing. Never thought about it to be honest. Totally passed me by. Good idea. I'll work out how to do it and get on it.

        The broadband thing has occured to me as well and I think one of things at the top of the list to sort. Reducing the file size may reduce the quality of the recording though. I'm looking at compression at the minute to see what I can do. I think as you said all I can do is highlight this or you'll be waiting a tad if you have a 57k modem. Can't wait 'till we all have broadband as standard.

        On your other point and this is a bone of contention for me. When you pay, you are redirected from paypal to the download/ receipt page. I assume you clicked 'Done' or moved onto something else.

        This is where I have to work around an Actinic 'feature' lets call it. If you look at the item you purchased, (thanks for that and please do let me know how you got on with it) it has a line instructing that you can download the file from that page. This isn't very clear, a potential issue and I'll have to try to work out how to get the font bigger. The link is also sent in the confirmation e mail which is just a follow up. Thankfully Actinic added this 'feature' and you got your file. I need to get this one sorted soon. It passed you by as it did me when I was building the site. Once I spotted it I was ok. This isn't good enough for cutomers though and I take your point.

        Thanks again for your comments. Much appreciated.

        Phase 2 here I come...

        Last edited by johnnypict; 31-Jul-2005, 02:46 PM. Reason: spelling



          Info on the front page is heaps better now, you've explained to the dimwits like me what the site is about - add images to make it look better and you've cracked it.

          include images of generic mp3 players, or people sitting on trains etc.

          Also if you link each one of the list of tools ie
          Deep Restful Sleep
          Super Self Confidence
          Total Happiness
          Overcome Fear


          you can take people straight to the info.

          You could even have icons beside each one ie Deep restful sleep - person in bed with zzzzz's

          extreme mental and physical fitness - an athlete etc etc


            Hi Johnny,

            If you want to use the text in your "What's in store" box as a hot link to your shop, then locate the code below in your Act_BrochurePrimary template and add the bit in orange the that should do it for you.

            <table border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="5" height="100%">
              <td valign="top" width="200">
               <table width="150" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">
                   <td height="22" bgcolor="#d5aaff" background="acatalog/tab_pal2.gif" class="actsmallheading"><b>&nbsp;&nbsp;What's in Store </b>
                   <td class="thinred2">
                     <table width="100%" cellspacing="2" cellpadding="2">
                        <td><script language=Javascript1.2>document.write(YahooSections(section_tree))</script>
            <a href="">Take a look in our shop for the latest in binaural beat enhanced hypnosis mindtools.</a>               


              Getting on with it...

              Hi Guys

              Thanks again for your feedback. I'm not 100% happy with what I have but I have added some pics and I'll keep working on it.

              I used that script Delboy and it worked a treat. Thanks.

              I like the idea of having each tool linked Jo so I'm off to work that one out.

              Thanks again to you both. Hopefully one time when I'm on this site I'll be able to contribute. One day.

              Cheers peeps.




