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Settings for uploading site

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    Settings for uploading site

    I am having major problems uploading site. Obviously my settings do not match the folders I have created using my ftp software. I have tried all combinations to no avail.
    At first all seemed ok until I altered the look of the site. All templates had been changed to my new look except the view cart and checkout pages which still use my old templates.
    Also it appears that I now have more than one catalog folder.


    It sounds like the Perl scripts are looking at a different acatalog folder to the one the rest of your store is using.

    I suggest removing all 'acatalog' folders online and then try configuring your network settings again. In fact, try to 'Web | Configure Web Site Details' wizard.

    Remember that you need four pieces of information:

    1) the HTTP address (URL) of your 'cgi-bin' folder
    2) the FTP address (actual folder location) of your 'cgi-bin' folder
    3) the HTTP address (URL) of where you want your 'acatalog' folder to be created. This is referred to as your 'Web Site Root'.
    4) the FTP address (actual folder location) of where you want your 'acatalog' folder to be created.

    With these four pieces of data, Actinic shoould be able to upload OK.

    In future, these problems are a lot easier to diagnose if you let us have your network settings (obviously hiding any passwords).



      Thank you very much for your reply.

      I am in the process of checking settings and will look at your suggestions. It's all got in a bit of a muddle and I need to start from the beggining where I'm sure with your help the problem will be resolved.

      I will keep you posted.

      Thanks again




        All is now working as it should with regard to the cgi-bin and thank you for your help.

        I have one other slight problem that when I update the site the brochure home page is not updated although my ftp package tells me it has been modified.

        I am using this page as the site home page. If I navigate from within the shop then the correct updated page is found.

        Looking at the directory I see that there are two index.html files. Could this be the problem.




          is one file index.htm and the other index.html?

          Remove both of them and then update again



            Thank you for your reply.

            I went to check the files this morning as you suggested but had a look at the site first and have found that all is now ok and updated.

            Could it be that the server takes longer to update some pages or files?



              Not the server but the client. You need to press the 'Refresh' button in the browser to be sure that the latest version is fetched from the server.

              When you use Brochure there are two index.html pages; the brochure front page in your website root folder and the top section list in the acatalog folder.
              Chris Brown



                I'm sure I had refreshed site and I actually carried out a disc clean and removed temp files but hopefully all is now ok.

                Many thanks


