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Problems with configuring site with wizard for the first time.

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    Problems with configuring site with wizard for the first time.

    Hi there,

    I am using webfusion as my host and i have a linux shared hosting account with them.

    I reach the point in the wizard where it finds the cgi-bin directory and uploads test scripts etc. It then reports the following problem...

    It says that the wizard needs to know the path of the cgi-bin directory, when i type the URL im it says...

    "The wizard attempted to test the cgi-bin url by uploading a sample script and trying to execute it. The response did not match the script which indicates that the cgi-bin url is incorrect. check the cgi-bin URL."

    It seems to be correct to me. the cgi bin directory is in my home directory which is

    Any ideas to the problem would be much appreciated.



    Are you including the when you enter the url? I clicked the link you provide and got a 403 not allowed error, which shows that the url is correct (it would have returned a 404 not found if it was not correct).

    Are you being asked for the path to cgi-bin, which will be /cgi-bin/ ?

    Have you navigated to the cgi-bin in a standard ftp package or your website control panel and checked the permissions? The cgi-bin should be set to 755 or read - write - execute, read - execute, read - execute.
    Text directoryWorldwide Actinic(TM) shops
    BC Ness Solutions Support services, custom software
    Registered Microsoft™ Partner (ISV)
    VoIP UK: 0131 208 0605
    Located: Alexandria, EGYPT


      cheers for the reply

      hi, i have definately included the full URL.

      The permissions on my cgi-bin are 777. i'll change them to 755 to see if that makes a difference.

      I really cant understand why it aint working man.

      I'll let u know what happens anyway. Thanks


        Almost Works!!

        cheers for that adviced, it seems the permission change made it find and execute the cgi scripts fine.

        But now however i am getting an error when it test the perl scripts. it says taht my "server is not configured to handle cookie headers. The script did not receive the cookie from the wizard."

        Any ideas?

        Thank you



          Check out this thread - see if that helps.

          Text directoryWorldwide Actinic(TM) shops
          BC Ness Solutions Support services, custom software
          Registered Microsoft™ Partner (ISV)
          VoIP UK: 0131 208 0605
          Located: Alexandria, EGYPT


            Thanks A Lot

            Cheers mate, i think it has solved my problem.

            I need to upgrade the version of actinic i'm using. So... i will post back with the results.




              It Worked

              Sorry its taken me long to reply to this but it did solve my problem.

              Apparently the new version of actinic (7) doesnt carry out that test for the perl scripts or something.

              But it worked any ways!!




                I'm having the same problem as Mario was at the beginning of the thread. My cgi-bin cannot be found. It's on bt space, which has caused problems, but the permissions have been raised to 755, so it should connect fine. I can see the cgi-bin through my ftp but can't direct actinic to it through the wizard or network setup. How can I find out my cgi-bin URL?


                  Are you trying to host with BT? previous posts suggest that BT won't relax the permissions to 755 and therefor actinic can't run.

                  A search for bt hosting will throw up some of the other threads on this.


                  First Tackle - Fly Fishing and Game Angling



                    Hi Mike,

                    BT put up a fight but have now changed the permissions to 755, they are working fine.

                    Thanx Topaz


                      The cgi bin url is usually that of your site plus the cgi-bin directory.

                      I.e. if using ftp you see a cgi-bin directory called cgi-bin then the url is typically


                      First Tackle - Fly Fishing and Game Angling



                        Morning Mike!

                        Yep, tried that it doesn't work. We have connected a domain name from discount domains to the bt space which when typed in sends you to our address at bt, (www.home.btconnect/ourname). Do you think this could be confusing the servers which is affecting Actinic?



                          I would say so. Actinic needs to know the address of your site itself, not that of any forwarded domain.

                          It's always worth getting a web host that will allow you to host a website under it's own domain. Forwarding is not a good idea and will lead to poor results in search engine positioning. It can also look bad to potential customers.


                          First Tackle - Fly Fishing and Game Angling



                            Well I've just wasted 3 hours pratting about trying to get Actinic to configure properly on my new webfusion account.

                            New vps account, new domain, all set up and seemed to be going swimingly until I got the dreaded merge error, after having completed the configure web wizard with no hitches.

                            Did all the usual stuff to get around the merge error, multiple retries, purge, full refresh etc. Nada.

                            I then deleted all actinic stuff from the server and setup a new site in the problem arose during the configure web wizard, it would not / could not find the CGI-BIN, eventually I cancelled it mid search for the cgi-bin, it then asked for CGI-LOCAL, I changed this to cgi-bin.

                            Hey presto it worked and then went on to find the the perl scripts ok, but then said there was an error in the cgi-bin it could not run the scripts.

                            After going onto the server via ftp and manually checking the permissions on the cgi folders and acatalog folders ( all ok ), I decided to change them all to 777 and hey presto all working ok now.

                            What is that all about

                            I had disabled my firewall before I started and had even tried a reboot so I don't think any stone was left unturned

