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New Site Testing

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    New Site Testing

    Hi all,

    I'm in the process of testing my site built using V6. I took great pleasure in loading products, laying out pages - hurrah (some late nights there!)
    So now I thought I'd test adding to the shopping basket various products, just to make sure everything was fine.
    D'oh! I hit my first problem.
    Obviously I can't test by just previewing the site, but I now have it loaded on my hosting companys' box and I get an error.

    Is this something you can test before setting up a payment provider?
    (Thought I'd ask that before giving error messages...Actually, I left my laptop at home )

    I had these same problems when testing as standalone on my laptop as detailed in the advanced guide...

    Many thanks,

    What are the problems you are having.
    Owner of a broken heart


      You can test before setting up a Payment Solution Provider. I tend to use Invoice with Payment or something like that. Use the header and/or footer to display that the site is in test mode only.

      Or you can use the Java encryption with a CC number of 000000

      What other erros messages are there


        Thanks for the replies.
        The error I get is..

        A General Script Error Has Occurred.
        Error: sort trapped by operation mask at (eval 21) line 111.


          Ckeck your perl is working properly.

          Ie do a search, if this doesn't work then the problem is perl.

          i had this error message yesterday on a test site.... until I fixed perl


            Just checked and search is working fine.
            Ah.. Im getting a "server scripts are incompatible with this version of Actinic Server 6CNNA Client 6 DDOA" when I do a refresh.


              search the knowledge base for this.....

              I think you just have to take the pl and pm files from Original folder and place them in Site1 and refresh...but check this!


                found this in the KB.

                To fix this problem, copy the cgi scripts (all *.pm and *.pl files) from the original directory, then start Actinic Ecommerce. Refresh the web site ( Web | Refresh Website) to upload the scripts. Note, if you have customised the scripts then you will need to re-apply your changes after copying the scripts to the site folder.


                  That's great. Thanks for the speedy replies. I was search the KB but couldn't find it

                  Anyway, I'll start copying (I've done no customisation of perl scripts..)

                  Thanks again


                    I tend to be more helpful in the evenings!!

                    I get more work done too!!


                      Well, I can barely contain my excitment! It worked.
                      You're a star.
                      Yeah funny that, I tend to get more work done in the evening!



                        strictly speaking i'm not working at present.....I'm editting the videos I shot at the w/end

                        see see the action here

                        the only way to relieve those client blues!

