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Problem displaying correct cart value

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    Problem displaying correct cart value

    Hi All,

    My site is based in Australia and I'm having no end of problems trying to get
    a consistant price to show for the cart contents value. I use...

    document.write("Items: " + getCartItem(3)+" ");
    document.write("Value: " + getCartItem(1));

    to display the cart value. The problem I have is when you 1st add an item
    to the cart say at $100 it displays $100, If I now visit checkout ever it now thinks it knows the postage so adds that on too say $9. The cart value using getcartitem(1) now always shows $109. The user hasn't selected a method of shipment yet so the extra $9 is wrong.

    To get round this I want to only show ex-shipping values and when you visit the checkout never show the shipping price and method on order00.htm. Only after the user has selected the shipping class do I want it to show the shipping costs.

    Any ideas?

    PS. for the Actinic developers, can you do something about Actinic shipping in Australia please, It needs to be postcode based as the country is too large to have a one size fits all approach.


    To get the cart contents to display correctly, you will have to edit ( make a copy of the original just in case )
    Search for 'sub GenerateCartCookie'
    Scroll down untill you see...

    my $nTotal = $Response[6];

    Now a bit of information here..

    $Response is an array which contains the following values...

    2 - sub total
    3 - shipping
    4 - tax 1
    5 - tax 2
    6 - total
    7 - tax 1 on shipping
    8 - tax 2 on shipping
    9 - handling
    10 - tax 1 on handling
    11 - tax 2 on handling

    Normal reported value is total(6).

    To exclude shipping and handling may not be enough, it may also be necessary to exclude the tax on shipping and handling in which case...

    Change the line...

    my $nTotal = $Response[6];

    to read..

    my $nTotal = $Response[2] + $Response[4] + $Response[5] - $Response[7] - $Response[8] - $Response[10] - $Response[11];
    ( this all needs to be on one line )

    Save and exit, update the site.

    This will now display the cart sub total plus tax on the cart sub total in the mini cart display.
    for the Actinic developers, can you do something about Actinic shipping in Australia please, It needs to be postcode based as the country is too large to have a one size fits all approach.
    This is already on a wish list and I will add your vote to the list.

    Kind regards,
    Bruce King



      Thanks Bruce your a star, I'll give it a go.

