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Multiple prices per product

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    Multiple prices per product

    Hi all:

    I've just downloaded ACTINIC for eval before i decide to buy. So far it looks very promising but I have come up against 1 problem which I can;t seem to resolve:

    My products come in many weights - so I want to show product desciption with each weight and price. ie I might sell 'Widget XYZ' at 100g for £1, 400g for £2, 1Kg for £3 etc. I only want to see a single product description but multiple withs/prices.

    Is this possible? (I'm sure it must be!)



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    There's probably many ways to do this but how about using the method shown in the sample Site that loads when you first started Actinic. The section called 'Select Items From a List'.

    Duncan R



      Thanks for the response.

      Yes I found that example and I got it to work.

      But... end up with a hierarchy something like:

      Product Name £0.00
      - Component Name (permutations #1 = £1.00, #2 = £2.00)
      - Attribute (Choices)
      - Choice #1 £1.00
      - Choice #2 £2.00

      and with this heirarchy you have to put the price in the title of the 'Choice'.

      The, when previewing reports the product has no price and the Choices aren;t listed as products...

      Any other ideas ?

      Cheers Bill.

      HTML Code:
      <a href=""></a>


        I had the same dilema.
        I put in the product description in a fragment and then have the different versions as "products"

        Take a look at this example:

        There is a lot of description because we sell lectures.


          There is an easier way by using the example in the slim manual where you use components and choices to create the different selections available and apply a surcharge as they increment.

          Mind you I say easier once you get to understand the logic of the way these work. But once you master the art they are a powerful tool.

          Ph: 0845 838 1 839
          Skype: GiftsLine


            Thanks Duncan,

            That's what I've done so far: Using Components and Choices.

            But it's not ideal cos you;re not using 'Product' objects and their associated properties (Price, Stock details etc).

            I haven't got downstream yet to look at order details and reports but I'm guessing that you won't have stock control where you've used 'choices' fr product objects...


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            <a href=""></a>


              You will get stock control but not the way I think you are applying the system.

              Your main items that control the stock are hidden and the main product on show is a generic product and has no stock control element.
              By associating the products in the permutations you will gain stock control by setting the pricing model to sum of components.

              It took me a while to grasp the logic of how this works but it takes a while to get used to how it works. Then you can see how you can best apply it for your own requirements.

              Ph: 0845 838 1 839
              Skype: GiftsLine


                Hmmmmm. I don't get it...but then I've only been using this for a few hours...maybe a good nights sleep will help make things click! Cheers.

                HTML Code:
                <a href=""></a>


                  It would be helpful if you gave a better decription of exactly what you are doing and trying to achive. I'm just guessing at what your final result should be.

                  Yes a good kip will help.

                  Ph: 0845 838 1 839
                  Skype: GiftsLine


                    I want to list around 500 products...each product is available in 3 different sizes (100g, 400g and 1kg) - and each has it;s own price. Due to the number of products I don't want to list 3 copies of each one - but 1 copy and 3 choices...

                    HTML Code:
                    <a href=""></a>


                      OK are they packs of the weight or loose?

                      Ph: 0845 838 1 839
                      Skype: GiftsLine


                        Yes - Packs of weight

                        HTML Code:
                        <a href=""></a>


                          Then the bad news is that you need a product for each of the items to retain stock control.

                          I have not quite but a similar situation where I have a product with four colour options.


                          Each item has a colour choice and so that item/choice has to be there to hold the stock qty. Those are hidden the visible 'product' seen on site is a generic and is there to hold the component/attribute/choices.
                          when you have the product with the colour in my example set up then the permutations will reveal and then you can set the associations to the hidden items. This way when it's sold it changes the stock control.

                          At this point you have to also remember that this is a static html stock system. The orders need to be downloaded and then uploaded to change the stock levels on site.

                          When you set up a structure like this you must set the pricing model in the visible product to sum of components.

                          If you need any further detail then email me and then we can arrange for you to phone me and I talk you through it.

                          Ph: 0845 838 1 839
                          Skype: GiftsLine

