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cgi-bin write permission problem

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    cgi-bin write permission problem


    I am having a problem using advanced network setup with an apache config using cerberus ftp server, on windows XP. I seem to have the web server set up correctly as I can access perl scripts on the site, and have written some test scripts that write to the various directories from the cgi-bin dir.

    Now when I do a test from the advanced network page, I get the following error:

    You do not have write permissions to the cgi-bin directory "./cgi-bin/" or it does not exist.

    If I watch the ftp server log as the test is progressing is seems as thought two files are written to the cgi-bin dir, the permissions are then changed, and the it tries to write over these files, and this fails as the files are now read only. First off, I assume I can install this on XP (I did this on another machine and it worked fine)?

    I assume this is some kind of file permission problem, does anybody have any suggestions?

    There's an excerpt from the ftp log attached showing the file being successfully upload and then failing. I am assuming it is this that is causing the error in the Actinic application.

    Thanks for any help you can give me.

    Attached Files


    XP is not the issue, I have it running on XP, no probelms. Do you have both the acatalog and the cgi-bin on the same level in the root. In the Network Settings window, what is the path to cgi-bin? Do you have it as ./cgi-bin/? Try changing the path to /cgi-bin/ or just cgi-bin/ ..

    Kind regards,
    Bruce King


      Further config information

      Hi Bruce,

      Thanks for getting back to me. I'll give more info in this post as I have more time.

      My directory strucutre from the Windows Explorer looks like this:


      Apache is configured with a virtual server whose root is the site_root dir, with the cgi-bin dir as a scriptalias within that virtual server.

      From the ftp root you just see cgi-bin, logs and site_root. A dir from ftp looks like:

      ftp> dir
      200 Port command received
      150 Opening data connection
      drw-rw-rw- 1 user group 0 Dec 13 20:07 .
      drw-rw-rw- 1 user group 0 Dec 13 20:07 ..
      drw-rw-rw- 1 user group 0 Dec 13 20:25 cgi-bin
      drw-rw-rw- 1 user group 0 Dec 11 23:20 logs
      drw-rw-rw- 1 user group 0 Dec 13 20:10 site_root
      226 Transfer complete
      ftp: 308 bytes received in 0.01Seconds 30.80Kbytes/sec.

      As for my Actinic settings, I actually had a lot of problems using the wizard to configure the site, so in the end I just went to the Advance->Network settings and did things manually (I should add here that this is the first time I have set this up using a virtual server so it could be my apache config, although my own test perl scripts seem to work fine).

      Here's what I have at the moment:
      Catalog URL: http://tt:8080/acatalog/
      CGI-BIN URL: http://tt:8080/cgi-bin/
      Path from CGI-BIN to acatalog:../site_root/acatalog/

      FTP Details:
      Path to CGI-BIN:./cgi-bin/
      Path from CGI-BIN to acatlog:../site_root/acatalog/

      I've tried the other variants of the "Path to CGI-BIN" that you mentioned and all result in the same error. The thing that bothers me is the lines in the ftp server log that state:
      Unable to open file:Access is denied for the STOR file. This already exists (it's copied by Actinic earlier in the testing, the attached log from yesterday is all the ftp commands for a single invocation of the Test process from the Advance Network Settings page). I've also noticed that most, if not all of the files copied by Actinic are readonly and hidden.

      I guess this file copy stuff could be a red herring, but it just seems to conincidental that the error is that the cgi-bin dir cannot be written to or does not exist, when the ftp error log is stating an access denied when trying to write that file.

      Thanks for looking at this for me,



        Managed to get something working

        Hi Bruce,

        Just as a side note, I've actually managed to ge the site published and it seems to work fine, by bypassing the whold test process and generating the site and uploading using the Advance->Generate Scripts and Advance->Send files.

        I've not tested all the pages but the ones I have seem to be working.

        I'd still like to get to the bottom of the problems I've been having with the Test process and the Wizard.




          The problem is to do with the folder setup.. create the cgi-bin at D:\Developement\tt\site_root\cgi-bin

          Assuming you have named the localhost "tt"
          Catalog URL: http://tt/acatalog/
          CGI-BIN URL: http://tt/cgi-bin/
          Path from CGI-BIN to acatalog:../site_root/acatalog/

          FTP Details:
          Path to CGI-BIN:site_root/cgi-bin/
          Path from CGI-BIN to acatlog:

          Does the checkout work with the uploaded pages??

          Hope this helps,

          Kind regards,
          Bruce King

