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Login Button

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    Login Button

    How do I find out out what page the login button goes to? I need to move it and Tech support have advised that to move this button up six places I need to hand code the entire side menu in. Also if I just use NETQUOTEVAR:NAVBLOGIN (so I don't need the url) the image it picks has too much space below it.

    Can figure out where the other pages are - but can't find this?

    Thanks in advance

    I would suggest you download the Advanced Users Guide from here. Take a look at page 14, "Inserting Individual Navigation Buttons". You can maybe create an image that suits your need and save them as login1 and login2 in your Site1 folder. Existing image too will be found here.

    Kind regards,
    Bruce King


      Hi Bruce

      I have the advanced user guide already (Would be nice if this came with actinic)- I'm just having to hand code everything in - I was hoping to be able to give my client the ability to add btns etc themselves but due to the order they wish to have the buttons in this doesn't seem possible with actinic. I have created all my own buttons but if I use the place holders I have a huge space inbetween where if I hand code they sit perfectly. I have checked the nav templates and there is no extra code.

      Thanks for responding.

