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Shopping Cart Process - Invoice Location

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    Shopping Cart Process - Invoice Location


    We're a new business setup so have no VAT implications yet. Hopefully if all goes well in the future we may have!!

    Therefore when setting up our site I selected 'Simple Tax' and unticked the 'Include Tax 1' to hopefully remove all tax implications from our website. Is this correct?

    The problem is though when going through the shopping cart Order00 asks for a 'Select Invoice Location' with a drop down of UK and None of the above.

    What a pointless box this is!?!

    From reading these forums it appears that I'm unable to miss out this process but at they do miss it out so it must be possible somehow!??

    We only want to sell to the UK by the way! So my question is how can I bypass this pointless box?

    I'm sure this will apply to Shipping as well?

    Thanks for your help

    It's not a pointless box because the invoice can be sent to a different location than the package. Plus the destination is used to calculate the shipping.


      If you are selling only to teh UK and do not want outsiders to buy, you will have to remove all Zones other thanthe UK from the Shipping & Handling tab. Then on the Tax tab, delete the EU tax Zone and click on 'No Tax Levied' and check the box against 'Do not allow "None of the Above" as a zone member'. Apply and switch back to simple Tax, update the site.

      Kind regards,
      Bruce King

