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Lap top / two connections

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    Lap top / two connections

    My catalog is on my lap top.

    I first uploaded it on my home phone connection.
    Fine, no problem.

    This morning I have tried to upload an alteration from my work phone line, but it wont complete.

    Am I doing it wrong or breaking a rule ?

    The error message is telling me that there is not enough disk space, which is not the case I think.

    Frustration over.

    Apparently my server was down at the time. I tried again and it worked OK.


      Spoke too soon.

      I have just published my new site (Frontpage 2002) with a link to my catalog.

      Frontpage bit is fine, but catalog is not working either from the links or from direct access.

      What I dont understand is that before I published the finished article they worked ok seperatly!

      I get error 404, then get told that the CGI-BIN access is denied, or dosnt exist. The network setting are I beleive correct as they did work and were supplied to me by Actinic support some time ago.I have tried running the wizard as directed by the site, but it gets stuck on the trying to locate CGI Bin settings bit, eventually saying it cant find them.

      I am using a different PC and connection to the original.

      What have I done wrong?

      My efforts are located at


        where is the acatalog directory?
        Owner of a broken heart


          Well, for the past three months and up untill one hour ago it was at

          What I have done is just reformated my Frontpage site, changed the colours etc, I up loaded the whole lot, confidently clicked the new link and cryed my eyes out!!

          Clearly I have messed something about, I have got the original, working versions on my PC at home, so I colud re publish and see if they work tonight.

          My site and SSL are all easyspace.


            Well, there is nothing in Actinic which would object to you uploading from two different connections. I've dont it myself before now. What could be happening is that there is a firewall (or something similar) on the work connection that is stopping Actinic being able to connect to your cgi-bin via http.

            Also, the changes you made to your Frontpage site may have affected the permissions on the folders on the rest of the server (including cgi-bin and acatalog). You may need ot get Easyspace to make sure that your Actinic store has the permissions it needs to run correctly.


              Thank you.

              I did contact Easyspace in the first instance as that is what the error message told me to do, however I was warned that they are rather slow to respond and this is indeed the case!

              All I basically did with the Frontpage end is change the background colour, and the text colour. The links etc to the previously "working well" Catalog are unchanged.

              Over the weekend I tried to upload the catalog and when confronted with the error message just clicked "ignor" instead of "abort"...the result is that bits of my catalog are published but most is not.

              I assume the problem is of my own doing and I will just have to wait for Easyspace to get out of bed.


                An update :

                Easyspace mailed us and told us that they had created a new cgi-bin and instructed us to upload the catalog again. ( no mention of what happened to the original )

                Did that, typed in and there it was again in all its glory !

                Went back to my home page (Frontpage 2002) added the hyperlink to the catalog....sent it.

                Put in the browser, up she came, clicked the catalog guessed it Error 404.

                After several minutes of extreamly bad language, I decided to send the catalog again, but got the cgi-bin dont exist error again.

                I have of coarse mailed this woe to Easyspace.


                  Somehow your 'acatalog' folder got deleted! I checked an hour ago and got the 404. I checked just now and I can see you are in the process of uploading. I'm wondering if Frontpage somehow deleted the folder!

                  I can also see your cgi-bin is back. You should get easyspace to disable directory browsing on the cgi-bin folder though.


                    I wouldn't recommend using FrontPage 2002/2003 to upload anything, it tends to default to it's synchronise folders option every time it starts which removes remote files and directories not on the local computer!


                      You can add acatalog and cgi-bin directories to your frontpage web and then tell frontpage to ignore these - ie not to upload them and you should then find that in future it leaves the directories and their permissions alone.

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                        Many thanks for that,

                        I must admit that as it is all OK at present I am reluctant to do anything!

